Did you know that the NPC placed higher on the party ladder will be the one with the greater tendency to run off on his own seeking solitary combat after you give the 'Hold This Position' command.
My party ladder always has Borcha & Marnid on the top 2nd and 3rd slots. Normally the guy on 2nd will display a tendency not to follow commands to stay with the group. The 3rd will hang around close to the group. If he did venture off, he will not not go far away.
While it may seem like an irritation to many players, the upside to this is the glory seeker has more chance for inidividual action and hence improvement on personal weapon proficiency.
In the event that both NPCs obey 'Hold This Position' & 'Dismount' Commands, you will also notice that No. 2 tends to place himself further in front of the dismounted pack, and therefore has more of a chance to engage the enemy with ranged weapons (if available) compared to No.3 who more often tends to place himself within the pack.
What I normally do to give the NPCs an equal chance to get combat time is to swap them as No.2 and No.3 between engagements.
Currently, I'm building Marnid and Borcha as mounted archers with two handed weapons. Coming along nicely but still a long, long way to go.
My party ladder always has Borcha & Marnid on the top 2nd and 3rd slots. Normally the guy on 2nd will display a tendency not to follow commands to stay with the group. The 3rd will hang around close to the group. If he did venture off, he will not not go far away.
While it may seem like an irritation to many players, the upside to this is the glory seeker has more chance for inidividual action and hence improvement on personal weapon proficiency.
In the event that both NPCs obey 'Hold This Position' & 'Dismount' Commands, you will also notice that No. 2 tends to place himself further in front of the dismounted pack, and therefore has more of a chance to engage the enemy with ranged weapons (if available) compared to No.3 who more often tends to place himself within the pack.
What I normally do to give the NPCs an equal chance to get combat time is to swap them as No.2 and No.3 between engagements.
Currently, I'm building Marnid and Borcha as mounted archers with two handed weapons. Coming along nicely but still a long, long way to go.