Borcha/Marnid couched lance

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This has to be here somewhere, but I can't seem to find it... Are Marnid and/or Borcha smart enough to do couched lance damage. On my second time through the game (not really "through"..just restarted because I hosed pretty much everything on the first attempt) I picked them up *much* earlier, and they both have decent polearm skill, particularly Borcha, so (at lvl 5ish) I fought in the arena to get the cash to buy him a nice horse and lance, and he just seems to keep thrusting it like a moron. Maybe at some point he couched it...his horse is faster than mine so I can't really keep track of him, but just curious.
Wow, I remember thinking the same thing. I also was considering give M & B lances for battle, thinking that they'd rely on charging and would keep moving and not get swarmed.

However, what I noticed was both Marnid/Borcha doing the same old thing: getting swarmed by footsoldiers and using their lances for short weak stabbing.

That was an earlier version of the game though and I've not tried it since. Maybe I will, as a test. Both M/B are high level now and have armored chargers so I'll give a try soon.
hehe, whoa M & B

Mount & Blade

Marnid & Borcha

Mark & Brian etc,

well, i have never witnessed either of em couch a lance. i followed each of them for a whole battle once, it was a mistake with Borcha, the moron went rigth in the center, got himself surrounded, and so did i

Yeah, the M & B names occurred to me shortly after I posted. Considering Borcha was lvl 13ish and was usually the first to die in my battles vs. river pirates while I was lvl 5, I assume he never did couched and gave him a different weapon.

Not a big deal, still having fun with the game, was just curious.
I kinda think that the AI is bit poor when it comes to (trying) carrying out couched lance attacks. Most of the time when the AI is right next to the enemy, they usually abort the couched lance attack and instead thrust.
Only time time I've seen (or rather, not seen) the AI use a couch lance is hitting me from behind with it. Frustrating when you're chasing down a foot archer getting ready to lay down the smack and suddenly you're dealt 150 damage and explode into zendar.
Chaos Llama said:
Only time time I've seen (or rather, not seen) the AI use a couch lance is hitting me from behind with it. Frustrating when you're chasing down a foot archer getting ready to lay down the smack and suddenly you're dealt 150 damage and explode into zendar.

That's an arena contest you're talking about? I've seen the AI use lances properly there, and I've seen in combat the occasional Khergit couched lance damaged received but I've never seen on the battlefield, M & B use lances for couched lance damage.

It would be great if they did use lances for their charges because the mobility required for such charges would keep them out of a lot of trouble.
Aye, I've only seen it used in arena combat. I'm guessing it's because of the terrain (in the arena it's flat and easy to get a good charge).
It's an AI problem. The AI knows that it has a lance and does couched damage on occasion, but if the target isnt aligned then the AI rather tries a weak thrust than turn the horse (or ride past). Mounted enemies just dont understand the importance of mobility. Thats the reason I always order my sword sisters to dismount.
Doesn't make sense for AI to be different in the arena than it is on the battlefield. It's possible, but doesn't make sense, unless M&B is coded in the way that I code, which is code everything seperately and then go back later and figure out what can be consolidated and tidied up. Not a particularly efficient method, but sometimes when you're working on one module you'll come up with a brilliant idea that works with another that you would never have thought of initially. :smile:

I'm *pretty* sure I've been nailed with couched lance dmg outside of the arena. Of course, now that I'm waiting for it to happen, it never does. Maybe it's like someone else said, the arena is totally flat, so maybe the AI more commonly uses the couched lance approach there because it's not being confused by terrain obstacles...I don't have the code in front of me so impossible to say for sure.

Also, I don't recall seeing a lot of npc units using lances, and from personal experience most of my fights are big clusterf*cks where everyone is pretty jammed together beating on one another at close range.
I have been several times lanced by different NPCs. They do know how to do it, but only on targets that stand relatively still, it seems.
I got couched about an hour ago--I was holding my nomad sabre back, ready to swing forward, and charging at an enemy horsemen, who had his lance couched. Right as I was about to swing, blam, dunbar. Pretty cool, though, actually. :roll:
I've been skewered on a couched lance a couple of times outside the arena. Once was when a couple of men-at-arms had joined a band of river pirates; I must have fought them two or three times trying to wipe them out, and on one occasion I was lanced from behind.

Another time, Khergit raiders caught me, and while I stayed mobile, slashing and shooting and trying to get them off their horses, eventually I charged past the wrong rider -- couched lance, from my front right.

As I recall, the former was coming down a slight hill, and the latter was on more or less flat ground. So, the AI definitely knows how to do it, sometimes... but while I've given M&B lances to play with, I only recall seeing one kill that wasn't just stabbing at a wounded opponent, and even then I can't say for certain whether they had it couched or not.
i think atleast marnid is able to execute the couched lance.. i almost witnessed it. i bought him a charger and a jousting lance, set him up against some mountain bandits, and decided to check out what he can do with the new toys. first thing he did was to run right in to my line of fire and get shot in the back. nonetheless he then climbed up a hill and did a perfect looking charge towards a poor S.O.B bandit. just when he was about to do couched lance. some of my sharpshooters shot his horse dead and i had to rush in to save his sorry ass. :sad:
I have been lanced once. It was simply my mistake. I popped in front of Swadis knight who did not have time to thrust it. I've got near-death hit.

I think AI is trying to attack what ever they have in their hand. I have never been lanced in Arena so I'm not sure...
I find a lot of the Swadian men at arms are often quite good on the initial charge with the couched lance.

Because I tend to charge at the front of the line on my spirited charger with my war sword it tends to take some careful maneuvering to get not get skewered and still do a nice drive by.
I've seen Khergs do couched lances quite a few times, especially on the first charge.

Once they dismounted me. I went up and commenced a beating on a Kherg on foot, but one of his comrades hit me in the side of the head with a couched lance, ending the fight.
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