[BoP: Serva] Main Thread (Year: 198 Month 1) Rest in pasta

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I would like to formally declare that Lukkastor has changed its policy toward the Profit Communion Trade Guild - no hostile actions will be taken against these traders who attempt to enter into our systems. Sorry about that Strong Arms.
... Kazzan, Odyseuss, Lobiok, Eternal, Amagic, AndHisName, Moss, Doomy, Feragorn, and Icy, do not have orders in, there will be an extension.

Yell at them or smth.
I have exactly 44 minutes to devote to this game, so let's get started.

First of all, good try ATOS and Moose in getting my fleet destroyed. Sadly, I've played too much BoP to not have seen that coming.

Secondly, regarding Meio: Yeah, a galleon should be able to take down a heavy star frigate, especially considering the military tech I have. Two galleons should have been able to take down one heavy star frigate. Somehow neither of these galleons decided to use my specialized weaponry tech, or maneuverability, and the fact that CARAPACE entails not only two ships floating around in space but also military installations was completely ignored. The point of CARAPACE was to annihilate warlord attackers or cause so much damage that any attack wouldn't be worth it, but if the player shield is so overpowered that one heavy frigate can cause military installations to disappear and lead the crews of two larger ships to go full retard, then there's no point in even having it. Sorry, my colonies, if my insane amount of credit and resource investment goes to nothing because warlords can't die unless they're literally suicidal.

Ektor, no idea wtf you're on about and I suspect the fact that both of us got "OMG UPSET INNOVAGANIX LIEUTENANTS" reports was due to player interference on someone's part. I don't actually care if you participate in planetary defense, the entire point of CARAPACE was to make your defenses semi-redundant and let you focus on resource production or making your people happy. But yeah, again, warlord player shields will unfortunately force you to give a ****.
Eternal, you're welcome to assume it was a 'player shield' (which only ever applied in the first turn of the game anyway, have you not noticed how many times I've killed players without giving them a chance to react?) all you want instead of consulting with me OOC or your military advisors IC for how such a thing could theoretically be possible, but if the whole reason you didn't do orders was because you were upset with my processing decisions then I'm not sure how much I care to debunk that assumption.
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