[BoP:1910] Main Thread, Year 1912

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Welcome to Balance of Power: 1910. Never has the European continent been such a powder keg waiting for a match. With diverging interests over Germany, a French bitterness over Alsace-Lorraine, interfering powers playing the instability in the Balkans, and a global colonial game, war is almost a certainty. Add an intricate web of alliances, and what will result?

This game focuses on the pre-World War 1 period in history, where nationalism played a dominant role in domestic affairs and the rise of Marxist movements throughout Europe began to make an important impact. The card is relatively simplistic, and the game's focus will instead be placed on the content of your orders and their repercussions. This is a game about keeping your nation together, even as a myriad of forces seek to tear it apart at the seams.

Link to Global Map

Convenient Link to BoP Tool

Your Glorious Co-Host:

Your Wonderful Map Maker:

1909 Report
Patch 1.1
1910 Report
Albanian Declaration of Independence
Hungarian Declaration of Independence
Treaty of Pyongyang
1911 Report

Player List:
1) United Kingdom - Jhessail
2) France - Pixel
3) German Empire - Teofish
4) Russia - Bluehawk
5) Austria-Hungary - Almalexia
6) Ottoman Empire - Grimmend
7) Italy - HULKSMASH
8 ) Bulgaria - Moose!
9) Spain - BlackTide
10) Romania - Odyseuss
11) Belgium - Arcadius
12) Netherlands - MaHuD

1) Gaham
2) BenKenobi (as Hungary)
3) Draorn

Game Rules:
1) No whining to the game hosts regarding your card or report.
2) No screenshots of conversations, either in the thread or in person-person communications.
3) Ideally, forward your diplomatic communications to the host.
4) You may not delete or edit posts in the thread.

Order Status:
Report Completed
Report Started
Report Not Started

United Kingdom - Jhessail
France - Pixel
German Empire - Teofish
Russia - Bluehawk
Austria-Hungary - Almalexia
Ottoman Empire - Grimmend
Bulgaria - Moose!
Spain - Mighty McLovin
Romania - Benno Maximus
Belgium - Arcadius
Netherlands - MaHuD
Your Country Card...

=== OVERVIEW ===
Country Name: What country are you playing as?
Government: What is your form of government? For gameplay purposes, your government is "you." If your government is replaced or falls due to actions that you did not intend, you are permanently removed from the game, unless your government is reinstated.
Head of State: Who is formally in charge of your country?
Home Stability: What is the stability of your home regions? This is impacted by any revolutionary or anti-government movements, unless they are separatist.

The technology system in this game is intended to be player-guided. If your nation discovers a new military innovation that could lead to a unit type, you can unlock that type of unit to build for your nation. Industrial innovations can have far-reaching implications outside of the realms of just your country card. Technologies can and will dissipate outside of your nation over time, unless you take measures to protect against military and industrial espionage.
Industrial Innovations: What are your industrial technologies? Bear in mind that these can have far-reaching impacts that are not limited to your industrial capacity.
Military Innovations: What are your military technologies? These may lead to unlocking new unit types for you to purchase.

The resource system in this game is simplistic yet contains depth. There are two resources - credits and industrial capacity. Credits are used for the advancement of research, espionage, culture, and national welfare. Industrial capacity is used for military and construction projects. Any attempts to increase production of one will lead to the decrease in the other - building a factory means your credit-producing workers will swap to producing industrial capacity. Some measures, however, are more effective at converting one into the other efficiently. A few actions, such as the acquisition of new territory, can earn you more of one resource without the loss of another. Bear in mind that for most actions, credits are much more effective than industrial capacity, although military is entirely dependent on IC....
Credit Income Per Turn: How much credits do you earn per turn? These can be spent on technology and other projects. A good thing to consider whether or not to spend IC or credits or both is to ask if you are building something. If you are, then IC is required.
Credits Banked: How many credits do you have stored?
Industrial Capacity Gain: How much IC do you earn per turn? This is used for all production.
Industrial Capacity Use: How much IC are you losing in upkeep?
Net Useable Industrial Capacity: How much IC can you spend this turn? Bear in mind you cannot 'bank' IC.

Leadership: How effective are your top-tier generals and head of state at managing the military?
Total Modernized Divisions: Total number of infantry divisions. Cost 40 IC, and cost 4IC/turn in upkeep. One fifth can be replenished by two Reserve Brigades.
Total Conventional Divisions: Total number of irregular divisions. Cost 20 IC, and can be converted to infantry divisions for 20 IC. Cost 2 IC/turn in upkeep. One fifth can be replenished by one Reserve Brigade.
Total Reserve Brigades: Total number of reserve divisions. Cost 4 IC, and 5 can be converted to one irregular division for 1 IC. Cost .2 IC/turn in upkeep.

== Army One ==
List of your armies and their type.
Divisions: How many divisions belong to this army?
Location: Where is your army located?
Morale: How willing are your soldiers to fight? Affects desertion rates.
Organization: How organized is your military? Affects military performance.
Experience: How experienced is this army? Affects military performance.

Leadership: How effective are your top-tier admirals and head of state at managing the navy?
Heavy Ships: How many dreadnoughts and battlecruisers does your navy have? Cost 100 IC to build, 1 IC / turn for upkeep.
Light Ships: How many smaller military vessels does your navy have? Cost 40 IC to build, .5 IC / turn for upkeep.

== Fleet One ==
List of your fleets.
Ships: Which ships belong to this fleet?
Location: Where is this fleet located?
Organization: How well organized is your navy? Affects combat performance.

=== REGIONS ===
== Region One ==
A list of all regions that are outside of your home area. For Britain, this would include Ireland and Scotland. Managing your regions is a crucial part of succeeding at this game.
Administrative Approach: What is the administrative status of the region? An integrated area with the homeland will contribute more to the nation than an ethnic minority region.
Cultural Perception: How do your people see this region, and how is it treated culturally?
Militancy: How opposed are the people of this region to your rule?

== Colony One ==
A list of all regions that are colonial possessions of your nation.
Administrative Status: Is the colony a dominion, or a nonautonomous dependency? More autonomous colonies will be more stable, although they will also contribute less to your nation.
Cultural Perception: How do your people perceive the inhabitants of this colony? Furthermore, what is your colonial approach?
Military Contribution: How many divisions you have raised from this colony and how many are available. Raising armies from colonies will certainly raise their desire for independence, moreso if they do not perceive a threat to themselves or if you are using them as frontline bait.
Independence Desire: How much do they want to be independent?

What are your plans in the outbreak of war? Inter-turns will exist in case of invasion, but you will only have a maximum of 75 words. If you wish to be able to prepare more, you must write defensive plans ahead of time.
Your 1909 World...

Country Rankings - 1910
** Please note these may be partially or wholly inaccurate.

Credit Income
1) United Kingdom - Jhessail
2) German Empire - Teofish
3) France - Pixel
4) Russia - Bluehawk
5) Italy - HULKSMASH
6) Austria-Hungary - Almalexia
7) Netherlands - MaHuD
8 ) Spain - BlackTide
9) Ottoman Empire - Grimmend
10) Belgium - Arcadius
11) Bulgaria - Moose!
12) Romania - Odyseuss

Industrial Development
1) German Empire - Teofish
2) Russia - Bluehawk
3) United Kingdom - Jhessail
4) Austria-Hungary - Almalexia
5) France - Pixel
6) Ottoman Empire - Grimmend
7) Italy - HULKSMASH
8 ) Belgium - Arcadius
9) Spain - BlackTide
10) Netherlands - MaHuD
11) Bulgaria - Moose!
12) Romania - Odyseuss

Military Strength
1) German Empire - Teofish
2) Russia - Bluehawk
3) France - Pixel
4) Austria-Hungary - Almalexia
5) United Kingdom - Jhessail
6) Italy - HULKSMASH
7) Ottoman Empire - Grimmend
8 ) Spain - BlackTide
9) Bulgaria - Moose!
10) Romania - Odyseuss
11) Netherlands - MaHuD
12 ) Belgium - Arcadius

April, 1909

A public gathering occurs after the Young Turk revolution.

Not longer after the Young Turk revolution overthrew the old Ottoman political system and created a new constitutional order, the Sultan began to scheme to regain stronger autocratic powers. These plans began to come to fruition when Army units revolted and began to shout "We want sharia!" in the streets, desiring the return of a caliphate and the establishment of stronger Islamic rule. Soon after, however, a loyal army division arrived to put down the attempted counter-coup, and following political chaos, the Sultan was replaced. Constitutional rule was restored, although it is unsure how long it will last.


A destroyed Armenian sector in Adana

In the midst of the counter-coup, forces loyal to the Sultan took control of Armenia and initiated anti-Armenian pogroms throughout the area. As many as 15,000 Armenians may have died as homes were torched and Armenians were executed one by one. The Armenians supported the reformist powers, and they paid the price as nationalists tortured and slaughtered men, children and women alike.

May, 1909

Ottoman military officers move to maintain peace with the Druze

Ottoman fortunes continued to take a turn for the worse, as the Druze in the Syrian province revolted against the central authority in an attempt to gain independence. So far the conflict has yet to turn bloody, as distracted Ottoman authorities seek to negotiate with the rebels. However, the Druze will not accept anything short of full independence, leading to a stalemate in negotiations.

June, 1909

French troops march across deserts and plateaus to maintain control of their colonial empire.

France continued their colonial ambitions, as French colonial troops marched into Abeche, the capital of the Wadai Empire and a relatively powerful state in western Africa. Although the Wadai forces refuse to surrender and maintain that they will continue to fight against the imperialist troops, most of the territory has already come under administration of the French Equatorial Guinea colonial government.

July, 1909

The Rif, where Spanish forces attempted to gain more territory.

The Second Melillan War broke out, in which Spain attempted to regain some of its pride lost to the Americans by exerting its control over more of northern Africa. Despite being small in force, the Spanish forces were successful in driving out the local Riffian tribes and expanding their control over Melilla. Not all went well for them, however, as a massive riot broke out in Barcelona after reserve troops were raised for the war, lead by a trade union composed of socialists, anarchists, and communists. Security forces put down the uprising by force, killing over a hundred civilians and leaving the streets of Barcelona bloody.


Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar

A revolt recently forced Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar from the throne of Persia, leading him to flee to Russia to seek the assistance of the Russians in regaining his throne. In the meantime, his son was placed on the throne and a new constitution was put in place.

This is your world. It is now January 1st, 1910.
Greetings, leaders of the world! The people of Italy are ready to thrust ourselves into a new era of modernity, progress, and peace. If anyone wishes to discuss opening relations with the Kingdom of Italy, please do not hesitate to approach our diplomats.
Avanti Italia!
For those of you who didn't catch my Skype message, please post in here as often as you can! Put on your roleplay hat and throw around some banter. The point of designing this BoP the way it exists is so that you don't have to sulk in your corner and do unit resource cost calculations, but can instead participate in lively discussion. I'm debating doing some kind of reward system for being diplomatically engaged.

Lord Brutus said:
I don't mean to butt in but it was an honor to sticky this thread.  Quality all round.

His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty, Franz Joseph I, decries the massacre of good Christian folk in the Ottoman Empire, and calls upon the newly crowned Sultan Mehmed V to answer for the excesses leading to his coronation and the abdication of his predecessor, Abdul the Damned, rightly named for his outrageous and heinous acts against the ethnic and religious minorities of his varied empire. We demand redress for lives lost and property destroyed, and measures for the greater security for Christians within the Ottoman Empire, lest the Powers of Christendom be roused to secure their oppressed brethren in the Balkans. Let this be heard!
Some questions regarding resources -

IC is not only used for military, else there would be no reason for not maxing out immediately. IC is used for any and all construction projects. Any time you submit an action, consider whether or not it would require any kind of production at all, and if it would, assign IC to it. It's rare that an action will require credits only.
Country Rankings - 1910
** Please note these may be partially or wholly inaccurate.

Credit Income
1) United Kingdom - Jhessail
2) German Empire - Teofish
3) France - Pixel
4) Russia - Bluehawk
5) Italy - HULKSMASH
6) Austria-Hungary - Almalexia
7) Netherlands - MaHuD
8 ) Spain - BlackTide
9) Ottoman Empire - Grimmend
10) Belgium - Arcadius
11) Bulgaria - Moose!
12) Romania - Odyseuss

Industrial Development
1) German Empire - Teofish
2) Russia - Bluehawk
3) United Kingdom - Jhessail
4) Austria-Hungary - Almalexia
5) France - Pixel
6) Ottoman Empire - Grimmend
7) Italy - HULKSMASH
8 ) Belgium - Arcadius
9) Spain - BlackTide
10) Netherlands - MaHuD
11) Bulgaria - Moose!
12) Romania - Odyseuss

Military Strength
1) German Empire - Teofish
2) Russia - Bluehawk
3) France - Pixel
4) Austria-Hungary - Almalexia
5) United Kingdom - Jhessail
6) Italy - HULKSMASH
7) Ottoman Empire - Grimmend
8 ) Spain - BlackTide
9) Bulgaria - Moose!
10) Romania - Odyseuss
11) Netherlands - MaHuD
12 ) Belgium - Arcadius
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