Bonus Armours (storyline idea)

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There could be 'bonus' exotic items, such as a roman centurions kit or an egyption warriors kit, complete with weapons, that were only available, piece by piece, by completing quests for people.
the pieces would be split up and spread all over the world, the quests could be generated by travelling parties and accessed through conversation.
The pieces may be worn by a bandit captain, or held by a merchant who needs a hero for a job.
Sounds a little bit too....gamish/fantasy like to me. Personally, i like the fact that the enemies are capable of wearing the same equipment i am. Plus armor from out of the time period would kind of ruin the mood IMO. Perhaps as a mod...but i don't think this should be included in the official version. Although i do think you should get a defensive bonus for wearing a complete set of armor. It doesn't really make sense that having several different armor styles on with a similar armor value incurs no penalty.
Not too terrable of an idea. I would suggest that HELMETS would be the most distinct, werable and likely-to-survive item, though. Things like breastplates were almost always scavanged for their metal, though. It's HARD to make sheat-metal when you have to beat everything it out from an ingot.

People *did* wear old armor that had been passed down or recently found, and there are accounts of desprate soldiers cornered in churches who broke into sarcophagae and stole the arms and weapons within. So it's not impossible.

A imperial patern legionare's helmet, a corinithian bronze helm, maybe ancient greaves... yes, that could be done.
Good suggestion however I don't like the idea of egyptian/roman armor but instead have Vaegir/Swadian armor sets that you get when you advance in standing with them.

They should have the heraldic symbol of the faction your fighting for and be as good as or better then the standard armors you find... the way to balance it would be that you get multiple sets i.e as a rookie you get a leather set, then a chain, then mail, then... you get the idea... and to make drops of these items very rare (if at all) and only of the faction you oppose (you don't loot your own dead) and of the grade below what you can currently get... no "WOW! a river pirate dropped a reinforced Vaegir Plate Armor and I'm lvl1" experiences.

This would be a great incentive to do quests for the king and the other lords. This would give room for new quests such as bring me a complete set of [insert opposing faction name] leather armor. That way you have to attack them since you can't buy it from the merchants...

Just my small voice in the matter...

How is that armor constructed? With plates? From here it looks as if that Pharaoh's wearing not much other than his crown, his skirt, and strips of cloth over his chest o_O

But regardless, I still don't expect the heaviest Egyptian armor to surpass the protective power of leather...
It's lacquered bronze. :???: Scale. And you can't see the military skirt very well -it's full length leg protection

Not as good as steel, but certainly better than leather.
Destichado: Really good images mate... Yea I meant something like that but with Vaegir/Swadian colour schemes and so on but you get the idea... Nice work.
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