Body collision and body pushing other troops

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Hi knights of all Calradia!

I'm pretty new on modding and after a little mod for the hud I'm trying to configure body collision settings to make another little mod. I just want to change two little things but I can't find them in the files, that's why I'm here asking for some help:

1.- I want to make it imposible for your character to move your troops and go trought them to move your possition when everyone is on you, just like in Warband I want to make it feel trapped in a big melee combat. I suppose that there might be an option to change that you cant "body push" any other character in the scene.
2.- I just want to make body collision bigger so that none can stand that near of anyone else (I know there is one or two mods that change this and I'm looking them to change also mine)

Thank you for all the help, I hope I made it clear, sorry for my english.
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