§ 1 Maturity and Respect
(1) Apply Common Sense wherever possible.
(2) Players should respect both the letter and the spirit of the rules. The responsibility for ensuring that this happens lies not with one individual - it involves captains, players and referees. It is through discipline, control and mutual respect that the Spirit of the Game flourishes and these are the qualities which forge the fellowship and sense of fair play essential to the Game’s ongoing success and survival.
(3) In order to maintain a serious and professional environment players must be respectful and polite towards their opponents,the admins and any other participants. If a player shows a poor attitude and displays rudeness or immaturity he or she will be punished by the tournament administration. The range of punishments reaches from a warning to a ban from of the tournament, depending on the weight of the crime.
(4) Any team or individual that uses, incites or benefits from disruption to the matches, practice sessions or organization of other teams will face disciplinary action at the administration’s discretion, including disqualification from the tournament.
(5) Any team knowingly helping players bypass sanctions imposed by the administration will be punished at the administration’s discretion
§ 1.5 Warnings and Suspensions
(1) Warnings are given to the players for breaking the rules of the tournament
(2) Depending on the weight of the rule break, the FIRST offence results in a warning, SECOND in a 1 week suspension, THIRD in a season long ban.
- (2.1) Players who would be warned or banned after their last match of the season will keep their warnings for the next tournament. The administration reserves the right to punish players more severely depending on the infraction.
(4) Teams or Players can report any infraction of the rules by recording or screenshotting the offence and sending the evidence to the administration. [video proof carries more weight than a screenshot]
§ 2 Cheating
(1) Editing game files is strictly prohibited and will result in a punishment ranging from a warning to a permanent ban , depending on how severe the offence is.
- (1.1) Enabling the "Dot" is not seen as cheating or exploiting.
(3) If a player is found to have broken any of the rules during a match and the admins determine that a significant advantage was gained, that player's team will forfeit the relevant rounds.
- (3.1) 'significant' in the technical sense of 'potentially possible to measure'
(5) Should a player be forced to use a new or shared account, due to being banned on their main account or any other circumstance preventing them from using their main account, that player and/or his teammates are required to inform admins and wait for their confirmations about this.
(6) Administrators and Moderators are allowed to force participants to show their Steam Log-In history at any given point during the tournament.
(7) Administrators and Moderators are allowed to force participants to stream their match on the official Bannerlord Native League Discord at any given point during the tournament.
(8) Cheating in any multiplayer environment in Bannerlord is grounds for a ban from BNL.
§ 3 Tournament Format
(1) The Bannerlord Native League[BNL] will see all teams split into up to n divisions based on their team strength. The winner of Division A will be titled "Bannerlord Champions".
(2) The six strongest teams of the tournament play against each other in Division A. In Division B the six next best teams play against each other, in Division C the next 6 and so on. Any extra teams or those that cannot be placed elsewhere will be placed in the lowest available Division.
(3) After 5 weeks of group stage in all divisions, in the 6th week final matches will be played between the 1st and 2nd place of each division.
(4) In divisions A the top 2 teams of each respective division will play a final match. Maps and factions will be chosen by the teams using pick & ban system. The winner of this match will be the champion of the tournament.
(5) In divisions B and below the top 2 teams of each respective division will play a final match. Maps and factions will be chosen by the teams using pick & ban system. The winner of this match will advance to the next division for the following BNL season.
- (5.1) The team that at the end of the season ends up on the last place in their division moves down to the preceding division for the following BNL season.
- (5.2) The team that won their division can refuse to be promoted to the higher division at the discretion of the administration if they have a good reason for it.
§ 3.5 Round Robin Format
(1) The round robin system is similar to known football leagues like "the Premier League".
(2) During the initial stage teams in each division will play every other team in that division. Teams will be awarded 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw and 0 points for a loss.
(3) Teams are initially sorted by their ranking in previous tournament.
(4) Fixtures will be determined by the circle method.
(5) Teams are sorted by:
- Total points
- Round difference
- Rounds won.
- Winner of that matchup in group stage.
- One set on the tiebreaker map if needed.
§ 4 Scheduling
(1) Each week ends at midnight CET on Sunday.
(2) Matches should be scheduled by posting in the fixtures channel at [

(3) If a team cannot contact their opponent, that team is required to contact the administration and inform them of this development. At the latest, this information needs to be known to the administration on the deadline day of this matchweek.
(3) Teams may subsequently agree a non default time by posting in the fixtures channel at [

(5) If the two teams agree, matches can be played at any day & time before the match deadline. If a match is not played by the deadline and neither team posted, the result will be counted as a loss for both teams.
(6) In the case where teams are unable to agree on a match day/hour, both teams will be obligated to play their match on Sunday 20:00 of their match week. (CET in winter | CEST in summer).
§ 5 Maps & Factions
(1) Maps and factions will be determined in advance throughout the tournament except for the finals using a random number generator.
(2) For the KO stage/promotion matches, teams will determine the maps and faction during a pick and ban event.
- (2.1) Picks and bans will be done in the following order for maps: Team A bans, Team B bans, Team B picks, Team A picks.
- (2.2) After picking maps the teams will pick a factions in the following way: Team A's map Team A picks, Team A bans, Team B picks. (creating mirror match-ups is not allowed)

§ 6 Team Rosters
(1) Every team has to provide the tournament administration with a roster, consisting of a minimum of six players with their respective Steam & Discord IDs before being accepted into the tournament.
- (1.1) The roster size is limited to a maximum of 11 in divisions A and B.
- (1.2) The roster size is limited to a maximum of 15 in divisions C and D.
(3) All players who have signed up to play in any team that participates in this tournament must join this discord and accept both the tournament rules to attain the Tournament Member role.
§ 7 Player Specifications
(1) Each team member may be listed by one name only in the team roster. [

(2) A player is allowed to change his nickname as long as it reflects his previous nickname. [TheGioMan -> TheGioDude]
(3) Any Steam ID listed to a player in a team roster must be unique to that player. Using a Steam ID that has been used by any other player at any point is forbidden.
(4) Each player may use only one Steam ID for the tournament.
(5) Any player from a non-Steam platform must contact the admins when signing up.
§ 8 Transfers
(1) Any player who has not yet played in a match may join a team at any time during the ladder.
(2) Once a player has played for one team they may not play for another team during this tournament.
(3) Transfers may be requested by unplayed players themselves or the captain of their new team.
(4) Any player addition needs to be approved by the admins for that player to be eligible to play in the team that they got registered in. (It is advised for teams to make their player additions some time in advance of the match time so that admins have time to approve or reject). In the event that a team is unable to field a team of 6 players and their player addition is not approved by the admins, the team can decide to play with less players than 6.
(5) No roster changes are allowed for the KO stage matches.
§ 9 Multiteaming
(1) It is strictly prohibited for a player to play for more than one team during the tournament.
- (1.1) Any player that was found to play for more than one team will be suspended for the rest of the tournament.
- (1.2) Any secondary team to field a player already registerted to another team will be punished at the discretion of the administration.
§ 10 Match Server
(1) All matches will be played on Bannerlord Native League servers unless both teams agree otherwise. If all servers are occupied teams should message @Gotha and inform him about it
(2) Either team may restart the match during the warm-up phase up to 3 times each, but players leaving a match once the game has started may face consequences.
(3) If the server crashes, the team who had over 80% more spawns left can claim the round for themselves.
- (3.1) 100 gold is counted as one spawn in this case
(5) When a player leaves the server and/or team for any reason, they can only be replaced, during the same set, by another player from the roster only with the approval of the opposing team.
§ 11 Referees
(1) If the administration views it as important, the clans will be forced to play their matches on the official discord server for this tournament. One admin will join each team's channel and view their stream while they compete.
§ 12 Gathering Players
(1) Both teams have 15 minutes to gather their players and make/join an official match. If a team fails to turn up by 15 minutes after the agreed match start, the other team must contact an admin immediately and will be given a default win. A team that fails to turn up for the first time will be given a warning, the second time they will be suspended from the tournament.
(2) Teams are not obligated to wait more than 10 minutes between maps and sets and should contact an admin if there is a prolonged wait.
§ 13 Match Format
(1) Each tournament match consists of 2 sets played on each of 2 maps, thus 4 sets in total. After the first set on each map the teams will swap spawns and factions.
(2) During the Ladder stage: The match will be won by the team with the higher amount of rounds won. If both teams have the same amount of rounds won, the match results in a draw.
(3) The team shown on the left side of the fixture is 'Team A', the map shown on the left side of the fixture is 'Map A' and the faction shown on the left side of the fixture is 'Faction A'. Team A starts on Faction A on Map A and Faction B on Map B.
(4) In the case of a default, rounds played are recorded as played, rounds unplayed are recorded as the defaulter losing all remaining rounds.
§ 14 Spectators
(1) During the matches, if a team voices their disapproval for a player that is spectating, they can ask any spectators to leave. If a spectator is refusing to leave despite being requested by one of the teams, that spectator can be punished at the administrations discretion up to a tournament suspension.
(2) Abusing server-admin powers will be punished at the administrations discretion.
§ 15 Class Restrictions
(1) There may be no more than 2 cav shown as alive on the UI in the team line up at any time during match play.
(2) There may be no more than 2 archers/crossbows shown as alive on the UI in the team line up at any time during match play.
(3) Horse archers (khuzait unit) are counted as Cavalry and Archers at the same time.
§ 16 Tie-Breaker
(1) Due to the nature of the tournament, only ladder stage matches may end in a draw. Should a KO match end in a tie after the regular time, a tie breaker has to be played.
(2) The tie-breaker has to be played on the specified map. The map is "Shariz" with "Empire" faction as a mirror match-up. Tie-breaker is only 1 set team one starting on the left side.
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