Warriors of Calradia!
We are happy to announce the fifth season of the Bannerlord Native League!
The tournament will mainly be hosted through our Discord server. Signups will be done through this forum thread and an overview of rules, team rosters and match results can be found on our
forums group as well.
What is the BNL?
As with our last Tournament, Taleworlds has promised to give out a loot prize for the winners of tournament. We will be giving out more information on this later on, so stay tuned!
Signups are open until 14th of September 23:59 CET.
How to sign up?
Gather your team and fill the formula below. Also make sure to join our
Discord server to stay up to date. If you do not have a team, you may also sign up as a
free agent in the hopes of playing as part of an existing team.
If signing up as a team, you should provide:
- A Team name
- At least two team contacts consisting of
- a Steam Profile for each contact
- Taleworlds forums profile
- a Discord tag
- Your roster (with at least 6 players on it) with detailed player informations. Each player should have:
- A nickname which will be used during the tournament
- A steam profile (unless they are using a different platform)
- Their Bannerlord tag (can be found in MP lobby if you open the 'Profile' tab)
[B]Team:[/B] Teamname
[B]If you played last BNL tournament - In which Division did you play?[/B]: A-F
[B]In which Division would you like to play?[/B]: A-F
[B]Teambanner (if available)[/B]: Link here
[B]Team contact:[/B]
[URL='https://steamcommunity.com/id/1234567890/']Player1[/URL] (player1DiscordTag) ([URL]https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?members/gotha.59297/[/URL])
[URL='https://steamcommunity.com/id/1234567890/']Player2[/URL] (player2DiscordTag) ([URL]https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?members/gotha.59297/[/URL])
[URL='https://steamcommunity.com/id/1234567890/']Player3[/URL] (player3DiscordTag) ([URL]https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?members/gotha.59297/[/URL])
[*]Player 1 ([URL]https://steamcommunity.com/id/1234567890/[/URL]) [PLAIN](Player1BLSocialId#1234)[/PLAIN]
[*]Player 2 ([URL]https://steamcommunity.com/id/1234567890/[/URL]) [PLAIN](Player2BLSocialId#4563)[/PLAIN]
[*]Player 3 ([URL]https://steamcommunity.com/id/1234567890/[/URL]) [PLAIN](Player3BLSocialId#6666)[/PLAIN]
[*]Player 4 ([URL]https://steamcommunity.com/id/1234567890/[/URL]) [PLAIN](Player4BLSocialId#5566)[/PLAIN]
[*]Player 5 ([URL]https://steamcommunity.com/id/1234567890/[/URL]) [PLAIN](Player5BLSocialId#1123)[/PLAIN]
[*]Player 6 ([URL]https://steamcommunity.com/id/1234567890/[/URL]) [PLAIN](Player6BLSocialId#4477)[/PLAIN]
[*]Player 7 ([URL]https://steamcommunity.com/id/1234567890/[/URL]) [PLAIN](Player7BLSocialId#1122)[/PLAIN]
[*]Player 8 ([URL]https://steamcommunity.com/id/1234567890/[/URL]) [PLAIN](Player8BLSocialId#5432)[/PLAIN]
[*]Player 9 ([URL]https://steamcommunity.com/id/1234567890/[/URL]) [PLAIN](Player9BLSocialId#9999)[/PLAIN]