Blunt Weapons?

Blunt Weapons weak compared to Pointy Weapons?

  • Yeah. Nerf Point- Err, fix Blunt Weapons... yeah...

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  • Nah, Blunt Weapons are fine.

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I myself have always been a fan of blunt weapons versus sharp weapons. In Mount&Blade, knocking enemies unconcious and taking them prisoner is an important source of revenue early game. However, I feel that blunt weapons are a bit on the weak side. The strongest blunt weapon never matches- or even gets close to- the Sword of War, albeit the strongest sword in the game, in terms of power. The strongest blunt weapon is much much slower as well. I do not believe that blunt weapons are represented fairly in Mount&Blade. Until Effidian releases a compatible version of his editor for v7.10, I'll have to cry myself to sleep. =(

Of course, the jousting lance is awesome. But that's lancing, not up-close melee fighting. Which is an entirely different matter.
actually blunt weapons are a lot more effective against armored opponents than cutting weapons soI think they're fine: they knock people uncouncious and do good daage agaist armor
I myself tested a spiked mace agaist a black knight and a bastard sword against another black knight and the spiked mace was a lot more effective
I think blunt weapons are supposed to be weaker, you can use of a strong deadly weapon or a slightly weaker weapon that allows you to take prisoners. I think it's fine the way it is. I think polearms are underpowerd, but that's another discussion.
Rauros said:
A spiked mace is not a blunt weapon. It's a piercing weapon.. I think
why don't you start m&b and actually check it out?
it IS blunt damage for spiked maces, morningstars do piercing damage...
While the weapon stats may not look good on blunt weapons compared to the choping/thrusting type, the fact that they have bonuses against armor and knock your foe unconscious more than make up for any damage deficiency they have, IMHO
guspav said:
Rauros said:
A spiked mace is not a blunt weapon. It's a piercing weapon.. I think
why don't you start m&b and actually check it out?
it IS blunt damage for spiked maces, morningstars do piercing damage...
To clear it up, spiked maces do blunt damage when swung, piercing damage when thrust. Of course you don't thrust too often with a mace, so....
There's no doubt that, even accounting for armor piercing, blunt weapons are weaker than slicing weapons.

The best blunt 1-handed weapon is the military hammer. While this is a decent enough weapon to knock people out with, it just doesn't compare with the faster, longer-reaching nomad sabre. And 2-handed blunt weapons are simply blown out of the water by slicing weapons... a warhammer, the best blunt 2-hander, is inferior in damage, range, and speed to both the great axe and the sword of war.

Additionally, the armor piercing bonus becomes less and less important as the weapon skill and power strike abilities of your characters increase...

Imagine that a mediocre character will do 42 damage with a great axe and 31 damage with a warhammer. Let's assume he hits someone wearing a mail hauberk [about 18 body armor]:

On average, the great axe will do 42 - 9 or 31 damage, and the warhammer will deal 31 - 4.5 or 26.5 damage.

Now imagine that the character is very powerful. Let's say that he can average 84 damage with a great axe and 62 damage with a warhammer [precisely double the mediocre character's damage with both]. The average damage with the great axe will be 84 - 9 or 75, and the average damage of the warhammer will be 62 - 4.5 or 57.5.

As the skill of a character increases, the armor piercing benefit of the warhammer becomes less and less important. An infinitely skilled character wielding a great axe will deal exactly (42/31) times the damage of a character wielding a warhammer and, of course, the great axe is still faster to swing and longer ranged.

That blunt weapons are weaker than slicing weapons is no mistake-- in fact, it was Armagan's intention to make them so.

The appropriate amount of weakness is good to debate though. I am of the opinion that blunt weapons should do more damage than they do currently and retain their deficits in range and speed.
leo said:
There's no doubt that, even accounting for armor piercing, blunt weapons are weaker than slicing weapons.

The best blunt 1-handed weapon is the military hammer. While this is a decent enough weapon to knock people out with, it just doesn't compare with the faster, longer-reaching nomad sabre. And 2-handed blunt weapons are simply blown out of the water by slicing weapons... a warhammer, the best blunt 2-hander, is inferior in damage, range, and speed to both the great axe and the sword of war.

Additionally, the armor piercing bonus becomes less and less important as the weapon skill and power strike abilities of your characters increase...

Imagine that a mediocre character will do 42 damage with a great axe and 31 damage with a warhammer. Let's assume he hits someone wearing a mail hauberk [about 18 body armor]:

On average, the great axe will do 42 - 9 or 31 damage, and the warhammer will deal 31 - 4.5 or 26.5 damage.

Now imagine that the character is very powerful. Let's say that he can average 84 damage with a great axe and 62 damage with a warhammer [precisely double the mediocre character's damage with both]. The average damage with the great axe will be 84 - 9 or 75, and the average damage of the warhammer will be 62 - 4.5 or 57.5.

As the skill of a character increases, the armor piercing benefit of the warhammer becomes less and less important. An infinitely skilled character wielding a great axe will deal exactly (42/31) times the damage of a character wielding a warhammer and, of course, the great axe is still faster to swing and longer ranged.

That blunt weapons are weaker than slicing weapons is no mistake-- in fact, it was Armagan's intention to make them so.

The appropriate amount of weakness is good to debate though. I am of the opinion that blunt weapons should do more damage than they do currently and retain their deficits in range and speed.
sure they do less damage, but they take prisoners whereas piercing and cutting weapons don't so blunt weapons had to be nerfed in a way...
Blunt arrows would be a nice addition too.
They already have those, they're called throwing rocks. :lol:
I was about to post some in depth depiction of why blunt damage is inferior...but leo beat me to it and probably did the better job. And i agree completely. As far as combat goes, blunt weapons are opinion about it. As has already been stated, they do less damage, have a shorter reach, AND most importantly swing slow as heck (the 2-handers especially). So, while they should be a little weaker considering their money making ability, they've been nerfed far too much. I think a warhammer should deal something like 40 damage, but keeping its range and speed, it would still be alot worse than a SoW or great axe. Also, the knockdown effect is nice, but not of much use when fighting more than one opponent (aside for taking him out of the fight for about 3 seconds) or while mounted. I've never included blunt weapons in any of my charachter builds because i find them so weak it's not even fun to use them (this comming from someone who created a character that used nothing but throwing rocks!).
Actually, I've been playing around with a new character with a Heavy Military Hammer on a Spirited Charger (Yeah, I cheated those items, but so what? The best versions of items are ridiculously overpriced. That's like 5 months of trading.) It's been fine, really. The speed bonus of the horse galloping at full speed adds some well-needed damage to the Hammer. But what I would like to see implemented is a one-handed blunt weapon with a longer reach. Sometimes, I feel that the reach is just too short. The damage should be lowered a tad, same with speed. The reason why I bolded "one-handed" was because I didn't want people to respond with "staff."
You should try out the Rock on a Stick (polehammer). Yeah it's a 2handed polearm, but you can use it like a lance and you can use it with amazing effect on the ground. I mean heck, it's a rock tied to a stick, how awesome is that? So far my favorite combo is Rock on a Stick, a stack of Throwing Axes, a stack of throwing Jarids, and a Shield. It's a great combo for closing with archers - block arrows and toss objects at them while I close, which gives me extra attacking time. Shield don't matter much in melee with an archer anywho, so it's only needed to clsoe distance.

As for blunt weapons being weaker, I'm pretty sure theres even an NPC in zendar that tells you about it (I think it's the slave trader guy), so it shouldn't be so suprising. You get a TON of money through slavery, a lot more than with plain old killing. Consider the golden rule of "Risk vs Reward" and you'll have a simple explination as to why it's weaker.
Hell yeah, if you start a new character as a merchant you get two horses and a winged mace, just go smack some river pirates and the money rolls in. And when you get some steppe bandits as prisoners they boost your speed because they ride horseys.
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