Blue screen of death!

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I've been trying to get this game to run all week. Saw references to it's greatness on rpgcodex so I thought I'd give it a swing. Downloads and installs flawlessly, but when I attempt to run the screen of death!

I've read through every other thread concerning this. I've tried everything suggested in those threads yet nothing's worked. I have dc'ed the modem...shut down everything on startup (firewall and virus protection included) and still it gives Windows a critical error.

I have all the latest drivers for all my hardware and I'm virus and ad/spyware-free.

I'm an RPG freak and this is driving me crazy.

p4 1.8 ghz
512 ram
geforce 3 ti200
sb audigy
windows xp/ home

It's no "gamer's dream-machine" but it plays games adequately for me and this is the first time I've experienced this. If anyone can help me out I'd be eternally grateful.
Hi! I don't know if this helps but I always got BSODs a few minutes after playing M&B saying some thing like "DRIVERIRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL". I tried everything (updating drivers, reinstalling operating system from scratch, disabling antivirus etc etc). Eventually I tried removing Norton Antivirus from my system completely and replacing it with AVG antivirus. So far (only did it two days ago) it seems to have cured the BSOD problem. I still get the occasional crash back to the desktop. I hope this is of some help.
Runs great on my comp.

Cpu: Xp1800+
Ram: 768 ddr (pc2700)
hd: 160 gb samsung spinpoint
Gfx: Geforce 3 ti200 (74.xx drivers i think)
Windows Xp pro. Service pack 1.

I get a reebot if i click "save and exit" and then click "exit to windows" too quickly, if i wait a couple of seconds before i click it's all good... Otherwise i have no crashes or wierd screens.
Thanks for the replies.

The error message seems to be a generic startup error.

I'm at work now and don't have my comp to test it out on but iirc it looked like this...

startup 7 (00000000x0) (00000000x0) (0000000x0) (0000000x0)

I have disabled all programs on startup then tried to run M&B but still I get this error.

I'll run by the house sometime today and get the exact error message.
Ok, I was off on my recollection of the error message. Anyway this is it...

***STOP: 0X00000007F (0X0000000D, 0X00000000, 0X00000000, 0X00000000)

So...if anyone can translate this into english for me I'd appreciate it.

Also it says ...

Preparing to dump physical memory
Physical memory dump complete

I'm not sure if that's pertinent. Thanks again for taking the time to try and help me.
Well , if you have Nortan Antivirus that could very well be the problem , that program is so crap its amazing someone hasnt sued them or something... anyway , if you have it i would recommend uninstalling it.

Also get something like WindowsAnti Spyware (its free) or get EtrustAnti virus , or both.
Its a fairly generic Kernel stop error message.

Problem could be either hardware or software based.

Couple of things to check:

1. Your not overclocking any hardware
2. Try downloading and running memtest 86. If there's any problem with the memory it should pick it up.
3. Run checkdisk. It could be a problem with the area of the hard drive being used for the page file (if you have anything over 2Gb windows tends to forget how big the drive is on random occaisions).
4. Clean out the temp directory. (start -> run -> %TEMP%)

It could also be caused by corrupted drivers. Try downloading the video drivers again, uninstall the current driver and then do a clean install of the latest one.

If the PC is running other games fine it seems fairly unlikely that faulty hardware or a corrupted windows install is to blame. Could possibly be caused by a virus.
What point is the BSOD appearing? Does it occur before the splash screen, or can you actually get into the game before it happens?
Sorry that I haven't mentioned the fact that I'm running AVG anti-virus and I use Ad-aware SE. Both programs are giving me a clean bill of health, but I do realize I still could have a hidden virus...possibly.

The BSOD comes up when I try to run the M&B.exe. I haven't so much as seen the title page.

The main thing that has me stumped is that even when I disconnect the modem and have absolutely no other applications running (including disabling firewall and anti-virus) I still get the same BSOD upon trying to run the exe.

I've uninstalled, downloaded, and reinstalled M&B about 4 times...always with the same results. This is the only program I've encountered this problem with. All other games are running fine.

Anyway, thanks very much for the helpful replies. I guess I'll wait for the next version and try again then :grin:
I finally gave up and reinstalled Windows.

Problem solved!

Thanks again to you guys for putting forth an effort to help.

I also have to say that this game was well worth the trouble to get it running. It's well beyond what I was expecting.

/applaud :grin:
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