Blue Screen & crash, when loading 2 of my saved games

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Ganja Knight

High guys, brief synopsis:

This has not happent until I bought the game, some 2 days ago. Upon buying and unlocking the game, the character I was playing (on level 5) would not load. Every time I tried to load it, it would flash the Blue Screen of Doom and restart my PC.

I said **** it and started a new character. This time I've gotten him to level 12 and all of a sudden, with no warning, I can't load the game anymore.

Needless to say I'm pissed. My char is level 12 and has like 50+ G's to blow on blinged-out swords and horses with spinning dubs, or something.
Seriously though, I hope there's a fix.

My PC stats: Windows XP
Pentium 4, 2.19 Ghz
256 RAM,
standard Dell Video Card, not sure of memory

Help pls?
Sea Raiders had just stolen my 'Ganja Knight' diamond necklace and I want it back, dammit.
peace out
Just checked a few other saved games (had 6 total) and 2 more gave me the same problem when loading.
Haven't seen this happen before I unlocked the game.

Yeah, now it's getting annoying.

Sorry to hear that. Savegames can still get corrupted occasionally. The savegame system will get more robust in the new version.

The game makes a backup of the savegame it is overwriting whenever it is saving a game. So whenever a game becomes corrupted you can just delete the corrupted savegame and rename the backup as the deleted one. Hope that helps.

Ive looked in the mount and blade folder, but where are the backups stored?
Im sorry, right now Im inebriated on the mose delicate kind of herb and cannot grasp it, maybe it is onvious to someone who knows their way around computers better. i see the saved games folder, so if i delete some of them, where do I find the backups I have to rename?

Thx for replying, great to see developers talk directly with their customers!
In version 0.632, the file is called: old_game.swg (it's under Savegames folder) Note that this is the backup of the last savegame you overwrite. If you want to use it, you should rename it to one of the savegame names used by the game.

An it's a pleasure to talk with players. It makes game development so much more fun. :smile:
thanks, I had the similar problem too. I have the game installed on two computers, a laptop and a PC, but this never happened on my PC, still the laptop has corrupted both of my characters. You reckon theres a connection?
A SOLUTION!!!! (sort of)

I get this crash all the time too on my laptop. I believe its something to do with intel graphics controllers on laptops that don't have graphics cards. Even if this does't quite fit your description, I find this works:

Start a new game, be a girl (for a laugh!!)

Muck about for a bit, if you are a girl chat suggestively to marnid ("would you fight in my service if I gave you.......")

Then quit this new game and try to load your old game, this usually works.
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