Blacksmithy and Mining - Custom Weaponry

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I thought about this when I was trading Iron from Curaw to Sargoth, and I thought that it is a bit of a waste to keep on dragging so much iron, and that that was all the item was for.

My idea is simple, allow your character to smith weapons using Iron that can be bought, or other rarer materials such as (made up on the spot: Corrum, Figerum, Tarnim, Mithral (stolen)) that can only be bought from a high price from Counts or Kings and such, or maybe one or two smiths have a piece they will sell for a lot.

Also you should be able to mine these materials. How you do this is by moving to a mountain and using a skill which can be seen at the bottom of the page when near enough to a mountain. Then what you do it click [mine] and select an area that you want to mine in, and with further levels you can select what to mine for. It helps if you have troops, as they can help you out in doing this. Then it will go through a cycle, much like the one that you get when you rest at a Tavern, and at the end it will tell you how much ores of different kinds you got.
After this you would take the ores either to your base (needs to be implemented, I mean NEEDS to be) or to a smith who will take the ores and for a price smelt them into ingots. If you do this at your base you need to buy a forge and put it there. All of this would come under the mining skill.

Then we have blacksmithy. You can get the ingots that you have mined and make them into weapons. There should be a very small number of things you can make at first, and it will tell you how many ingots you need, such as a dagger needing only one to make 2 of them, but a greatsword costing 3 to make one, or some such figure. You should also be able to make platemail armour and gauntlets and such, and some armour for your horse costing a lot of ingots (also NEEDS to be implemented). There should be certain quality levels as well that change according to your skill and the difficulty of the item you are making.

Some weapons you wont be able to make at certain skill levels, so for example you couldn't make a [perfect shamshir] (new weapon class, armagan, look these up, they are like scimitars with shorter blades and longer handles) when you have Blacksmithy 1 but if you have blacksmithy 5 then you would have 1 chance in maybe 3 tries to make a perfect, and the other two tries would be a normal shamshir. then there might be a one in 20 chance that you fail and bugger up the ingot, making it unuseable.

I think it wouldn't be too hard to implement this and it would bring a whole new dimension to the game, with customiseable weapons all round, and you can give them to your troops as well. Also, there should be some very cool weapons that you can't buy and can only make at level 5 or above with a small chance of sucess and a miniscule chance of making one of good quality. These should be bloody powerful, things like Zatoichi (long bladed katanas) or Dviehanders (sp), and perhaps some unique weapons that are so hard to make if you ever make one thwen it can be sold for an amazing price and have huge damage rep (like 68c).

Thats all for this, I'll adapt as I get some responses.
I dont like it, go to a mountain, wait a lot, go to a town, etc.

And you would have to raise a skill also, I would not.

However if others like it, its fine by me, however, dont make it a necesary skill cause I dont (and probably others) want to spend time pursuing it.
what would please me better would be engaging miners, who follow you, then you can place them at a place where they can mine....
Of course, they're weak, so you got to protect them against pillagers who want to steal the stuff....

I don't want my knights to learn using pikes and shovels :smile:
I think trading posts would take the fun out of it. The salt mines suck, cos it isn't a mine, it is in fact two people standing around waiting for you to buy salt or sell slaves for a pitance.

It wouldn't be compulsory, just as taking quests to get rid of troublesome bandits isn't necessary, but it would be so good to be able to make weapons.

I agree with the idea of hiring a band of miners and protecting them, that does make more sense than Knights with shovels. You could hire them from a merchant or something, and select where they should mine. Perhaps you could wait around with them so you don't have to sit there on the world map waiting for them to finish, which would take up too much gaming time.

The made up names are because making weapons out of (at least) Lead and Gold is bloody stupid. Gold perhaps for laying extravagant **** into the handle for weighting perhaps, but other than that gold is crap, and lead isn't good for swords. Iron if good, but copper is also rubbish, and was only used by the greeks because they didn't know about the blast furnace, or any such equivalent.
Different metals would be good, and who said that things like Black Plate were possible. They wouldn't have known how to change the colour of metals.

I'm not suggesting fantasy, but things like Mythril give it some flair at least, I wouldn't like to see this forums (or Armagans) hatred of Fantasy and love of absolute realism get in the way of making this game good. You need to look at all sides of the spectrum, and having metals that you can craft into weaponry and armour might not be to everyones taste, but it would make the game that much better.

Every feature is worth something, and though some might not use it because they don't like deviating from the game plan, they could at least respect that it is a novel idea and would bring some other way to enjoy playing the game, rather than reaching a relative level limit of around 30 cos you can't kill that many people, then walking around destroying large groups of people till you have nothing left to play the game for.

I'm suggesting this because unless there are some HUGE changes by version 1.0, there will be no more reason for people like us who have bought the game at this early stage to carry on playing the game. I am already finding myself at a lack of what to do, having the best armour in the game and a heavy charger, with 24 knights following me around after probably about 5 hours of gameplay leaves little room for longevity of the experience. I have been in a game design team as a concept artist and I have seen how games develop into nothing like what the start was, and a lot of that is to do with outside input, you don't stick to your idea and ignore everyone else, because it is everyone else who decides wether your game sells or wether your game gets put in the bin and you realise you've wasted a year of your life developing something that nobody but you wants.

Thats all for now
Talon68 said:
because making weapons out of (at least) Lead and Gold is bloody stupid.
Since ancient times, projectiles have been made out of lead and used in warfare. Sling (which are suggested on the forum) bullets are an example. I'm sure there are more. As for gold, ornamentation of an extremely expensive plate armor or a general's swords was a must-have in medieval times. Besides, Gold can be sold as it is.
Talon68 said:
I'm not suggesting fantasy, but things like Mythril give it some flair at least
Yea! No fantasy! Just give me that leather armor made out of dragon's anus :lol:
Talon68 said:
I wouldn't like to see this forums (or Armagans) hatred of Fantasy and love of absolute realism get in the way of making this game good.
And how exactly would mithril add to the game?! Mithril sword is simply a steel sword with better stats. I wouldn't like to see the game degrade ito the stream of crappy mass-produced RPGs whose creators add mithril only because everyone else does!
The reason why you might have semi precious materials, is simply because they're good to trade.

Also, if armagan ever sxpands on the game world, they could each have a function. Like lead is used to seal rooves off from the rain, and gold/silver/copper is used for making into jewelery
I hear what your saying, I was opnly using mythril as an example, not to actually put into the game. But not just having gold sowrds to add power either. Gold WAS used to make things but not for functional weaponry. If you know anyone who uses a real gold sword to fight then you can refer them to me and I'll tell them what dumbasses they are.

Strider, I'm sorry that you wasted 3 years on Runescape (erm) but you need to get over it. You can't hate everything that was ever in that gma eor you might start hating things like trees and grass, which would be a shame.
:cool: :grin: Man.......Your idea kicks ass!!!! :grin: :grin:
I always liked this idea because it would help you
become more independent from the smithies and it would add
a new twist in the game!!!I tried a similar mod in morrowind and
man, it ruled!!!! :grin: :grin: :grin: :cool: :cool:
I like the idea of adding depth to the trade portion of the game. So you go and get some ore and make a weapon out of it. Cool. I've mentioned in other threads the idea of having a blacksmith MAKE your platemail, because, realistically, "platemail off the rack" would likely NOT fit your character.

Folks have come up with the idea of adding hunting to the game... You could hunt, take the fur and sell it...

I'm all for any idea that expands on the mercantile portion of the game... I don't want to move ale, furs, wine, tools aimlessly across the map. Besides, what in the hell is the Zendar merchant doing with all that salt anyway?
I don't like the idea. You're some kind of knight, and I don't see any reason to why you should be able to be both a miner and a smith, or even one of them. And if it would be added anyway, I don't see why you should make bronze weapons or anything like that.
maybe you could buy a personalized armor in a smithshop.
so, your saying they would just HAPPEN to have a speciallized armor just for you, without you asking them for it before hand? seriously tho. id rather have mining/smithing where i can make my OWN armor rather then getting ripped off by armorsmiths that ask for 2k for a peice of armor! (in other words, id rather work then pay... :razz: )
Luizinho said:
maybe you could buy a personalized armor in a smithshop.

I like this idea - but there would have to be at least 5 different patterns for each of the pieces of armour for this to really be good. Same goes for swords, I think that a custom swordsmith would be a cool idea.

However, I wouldn't make it available right away, you'd have to commision the smith to make you the armour/sword - and wait perhaps 5 days for it to be ready. The prices for customised armour/swords should be incredibly high though.

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