Black Knights- No payoff!

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I can understand that not every encounter would necessarily yield that suit of black armor you're looking for, though it doesn't seem unreasonable either. But darnit, I just went through round after round of murderous combat with wave after wave of those jerks, and for what? A bag of bent bolts! Sure, that would have been fantastic if I was still beating up River Pirates for income, but I lost a lot of valuable units in this fight? Is it unreasnable to hope for at least one item of great value for my trouble? Black greaves, steel shield, I don't care what the cool item is, but come on now. There's no satisfaction in finding something you don't even waste space on in your inventory anymore.
From a game balance point of view, it would make it far too easy to get the best items. They should give you a fair bit more than they do, but getting full back armor and a spirited charger from the first black knights you defeat would make the game far too easy.

From a realism point of view, plate armor needs to be custom made for it to fit without being amazingly uncomfortable and restrictive. You probably wouldn't be able to wear someone elses full black armor.
I realize some people are better at this game than I am, but there's nothing easy about fighting 40 Black Knights and Hunters with the difficulty cranked up. And beating up bandits until you have the money to shop for it hardly seems any more meaningful. But okay, let's forget the black armor for a second. What if I want that steel shield? That should still be intact if its former owner dies from an axe to the back of the head.
I know taking on large armies of black knights is quite difficult, but getting money would be far too easy if hiring a bunch of guys and taking on small groups of black knights got you a few hundred thousand gold each time. If they all dropped a reasonable amount, that would happen.

As for steel shields and weapons, I agree that they should have a better drop rate.
well then how about better weapons like a axe or mace that have a attack bonus or some thing?
Maybe they are poor dark knights?

:lol: Just kidding.

Seriously though, right now the only option is to keep (oh i hate to say it) grinding dark knights until the right equipment shows up. Maybe there are sneaky scavengers stealing everything before you find it? It is a big battlefield after all...
Pope, you wouldn't be getting hundreds of thousands each time. He's suggesting that you at least get 1 decent item, thats all. I completely agree. You should at least get 10-20k worth of stuff for defeating a large group of dark knights. I too have gotten items worth less than the crap river bandits drop. It is pretty frustrating, and by the time you fight dark knights you almost certainly have a full suit of black yourself. So its not like you'd be getting an enormous upgrade from the loot. And even if you did do it at level 10 with your leather jerkin, steppe cap, and rusty arming sword, then you have more than earned those spoils.[/quote]
ok I understand that it would be stupid to get a complete set of black armor every time you defeat a group of black knights. But the loot should be better. I just single-handed defeated a group of 10black knights and 11 hunters and got 3 packs of bent bolts. thats quite stupid. The loot shoud be atleast one quite decent piece of armour or a nice weapon.
Well it's not one decent item, it's one fantastic item. Maybe if the probability were 1/2 that you get black armor, black greaves, or a black helmet.
Assuming you mean you'd have a 50% chance of getting a nice greatsword or steel shield instead, rather than nothing, I'd be fine with that. I'd be thrilled to rake in a few items, worth a fortune. Black armor, a nice charger and a steel shield would be fantastic. But failing that, a guarantee of just one really nice item would be...well, nice.
Mavericx said:
ok I understand that it would be stupid to get a complete set of black armor every time you defeat a group of black knights. But the loot should be better. I just single-handed defeated a group of 10black knights and 11 hunters and got 3 packs of bent bolts. thats quite stupid. The loot shoud be atleast one quite decent piece of armour or a nice weapon.

Did you join in an existing battle? If not and you are solo, you got really unlucky. Soloing black knights or war parties I usually get 20k+ worth of loot. Black or plate armor, steel shields, etc. If I have a large army or join in a battle, then I get much less. Think of it this way, the more people that are involved (your soldiers included), the more the loot is taken by everyone else. If you go in alone, then you get the best picks but of course have the highest risk.
yeah I joined a fight, but the fight was between the black guys and 4 survived refugees. The refugees died after 30 seconds of the battle. So I find it is still unfair that I only got 3 packs of bolts (bent).
I joined a fight myself, and I admit those refugees were helpful as cannon fodder, but still, it seems unfair. I clearly saved their asses. Between that, my more immediate use for such spoils, and the fact that I'm the one with all the big, scary knights, it seems unrealistic that they'd be in a position to cheat me out of my spoils. As for my own men...well, okay. They may want a share of the loot, but they're already being paid, admittedly paid poorly, and I'm the one who's paying them. I am, in fact, the leader. Shouldn't I get first pick?
I'm not asking for a treasure trove each time. Just a minimum of one cool new acquisition. Sometimes, I figure you'd get lucky and score two, maybe even three. But one is really all I ask.
I agree it seems a bit harsh. No matter how big your army is, it just feels wrong to smash 10 dark hunter parties in rapid succession and realize at the end of the week that you only got some bent bolts and a single pair of greaves out of the ordeal.
Yeah, I also hate it that you earn more money by slaughtering a bunch of river pirates than getting your party slowly beaten up by dark knights.

I'd say, make the dark knight/hunter parties stronger, but make the loot more worth the pain. Or simply, as posted above, give more loot. :neutral:
I think that the amount of loot you get should be different depending on your difficulty level. If you're fighting on the easiest setting, I could probably own a group of dark knights no sweat, and so I probably don't deserve a huge amount of schwag. However, if you're fighting them on hard (best ai, you take even damage or whatever), you should darn well get some good stuff for your trouble. My opinion.
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