Black Khergits... (vs Dark Knights)

Black Khergits against Dark Knights

  • Black Khergits are worse

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  • Dark Knights are worse

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Knight at Arms
Old Guard
...really that tough?

I see a lot of people comparing them to the Dark Knights. Experience-wise they're similar but for me much, much easier. If you have decent armor (mail hauberk and a shield) and a quite fast horse (courser, hunter) their missiles are useless and in melee combat I kill them easily.

Dark Knights, they always end up killing my horse in the first few minutes and then I have to try to get to a steep hill before I'm trampled to death. Missile weapons are not much good against them.

What do you think? Should Black Khergit experience be reduced?
khergits are worse for me. dark knights you can run in front of them with a fast horse and turn in circles, cutting them up with a bihander as you go.

Khergits you get headshotted waay too quickly. Besides, if you find a nice cliff as a foot archer, dark knights can't touch you.
It depends on your hero. As a horse archer the dark knights are quite easy prey. The other riders are slightly more dangerous because they have missile weapons.
As the previous posters said it depends on the situation. However I must say in general with the new AI dark knights are (rightfully) the toughest bastards you can face in the game and getting dehorsed or trying to be a foot soldier against them only leads to certain death unless you have amazing athletics ranks.
Group on group, Darkies will rape khregits. However, Khregits are devastating to infantry armies (especialy if you take melee weapons away from them :wink: ) while darkies can be annihilated by sergeants.
Sea raiders are worse than khergits. Khergits are fast but that's it.


Somebody said it depends on tactics. If you're a horse archer you can beat Dark Knights. Well I tried that and most of my arrows didn't even penetrate their armor. 51 arrows run out very quickly. If you're against 10 knights I doubt you'd get them all.

But one of my mediumly armored medium-level characters can easily kill 10 Khergits (basic mounted melee tactics).

I don't know why but I never get head-shotted. I get hit sometimes, but I'm always moving and using the terrain to reduce that.
while darkies can be annihilated by sergeants.

In the new version?

My old tactics of beating knights (Vaegir and Swadian) by making a wall of horses and dismounted men behind it don't work any more. I don't know what's changed but I can't imagine what even dismounted Dark Knights could do.
Dunno, Khergits seem pretty easy to kill, just need a decent horse and a shield. Try to run on their right side or behind em so they can't get a decent shot. Keep your shield raised at all times except when swinging. Don't kill their horses, go for the riders, without horses they are much more accurate.

The only thing I hate about khergits is that you can't run away from them cause they're so friggin fast.

Sea Raiders... now THOSE need to be avoided, had a Steel Shield break up after their Second volley of axes and javelins... Third volley killed my horse... then they finished me off with those damned axes. But then, they're pretty slow so you can dodge em in the world map.
Black knights are the highest leveled enemies in the game. To me though, black knights and black khergits are about equal when it comes to difficulty for my main character. I tend to mostly solo both, on a charger with a jousting or great lance and a shield. Neither is that bad. Oh, and khergits never seem to show up in bands of more than 30 or so in my game, while I'm seeing over 70 in dark knight/dark hunter parties.
Sea raiders on the other hand... let's just say they've lamed a handful of spirited chargers here. Sea raiders are worse than khergits because khergits are on horseback and thus their aim kinda sucks, while sea raiders will stand still and take aim, then nail you or your horse.
What do you think? Should Black Khergit experience be reduced?

I think they are fine as they are right now.

All things being equal, whether you are a horse archer, lancer or melee man, Dark Knights are by far the most challenging enemies in v.703. They hit hard, they take a lot of punishment and as someone pointed out, have a tendency to cut your horse from under you and then trampled you to death.

Khergits hit hard if you allow yourself to be hit by their arrows. Fighting horse archers is by far a much easier option than having to throw yourself against a pack of Dark Knights. Khergits tend to spread out into small groups on the battlefield making them easier enemies to manage. Dark Knights group together in large packs. You take one wrong path and blunder into a tree, a rock or another horse and they will swarm into you and hack you to pieces.

Searaiders hit hard, but quite easy to take down because they are not mounted and nowhere near as mobile as Dark Knights.

Generally, when you solo against a pack of enemies you ride in circles around them, all the time keeping as many as your enemies in the centre of the circle so you reduce the chances of being blindsided, and also to see when the missile troops are firing so you can go shields up. In this regard, Searaiders are easy because with a shield you can always ride down anyone who is about to throw a missile. As for their melee troops I already mentioned they are not mounted and you can always dictate the engagement because you have the advantage of being mounted.

For Dark Knights, your really do not have as much options as you would with Searaiders or Khergits. You can soften up Dark Knights with mounted missiles but eventually you must close with them to finish them off and they never ride in small packs. They always come at you in a swarm.
Dark Knights are a pain.
I can deal with Khergits without much of a problem, but the Dark Knights are a different story.

I can hold my own with them, but most of the time my infantry/mounted buddies can't.

They have the best armor and the best weapons, add that to horses (no matter how fast so long as it can knock you over) and you have a deadly combination. They can get cut to ribbons on the ground but on a horse, no infantry stands a chance.

I don't have many problems agains't mounted ranged units.
close call, but i find black khergit much worse, they work well in most terrain, and they usually take more casaulties than black knights do.
By the way, could someone please inform me what is the big deal with sea raiders? I usually go from river pirites to sea raiders, and usualy just have my men sit back, will I either kill them mounted with a Bastard Sword and a Shield, Shield and throwing weapons, a bow, a crossbow, or basically any other weapon I want to.
For low levels though, I think I fear the khergits more simply because I can usually outrun the dark knights/horsemen, whereas the 9+ speed on the khergits is blazing fast.
Jhaerik said:
By the way, could someone please inform me what is the big deal with sea raiders? I usually go from river pirites to sea raiders, and usualy just have my men sit back, will I either kill them mounted with a Bastard Sword and a Shield, Shield and throwing weapons, a bow, a crossbow, or basically any other weapon I want to.

Sea Raiders have pretty good ranged combat. They tend to hit relatively hard with their ranged weapons too (until you get decent armor, that is).
And I think it all depends a lot on where your battle-size slider is.
I got it completely up from beginning to end of a game and it´s not always easy to keep track of 20 or so enemies with ranged weapons(sea raiders), especially when new ones spawn behind you... :wink:
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