After what I've heard it seems to be a little bit better than I expected, but I'm saving up my money for a new pc and for Oblivion.
If you take a look at the first B&W though: you couldn't teach your creature anything. All the fuss they made about "gigantic creatures capable of learning!" was just a damn lie. Your creature barely got bigger than 3 villagers stacked upon eachother (well, somewhat), and in the last level where you need your creature the most it's totally useless, even
after you destroy the wonders. Nearly everything was scripted, and the last level overused special spells so much, they where just like the rain spell (or any other meaningless one). The whole damn storyline was just based on taking over villages. There were but 5 levels anyway.

Plus, the multiplayer was bugged as hell. And if you were playing in the 3rd SP level at the time, your creature was frozen in the MP as well.
Your creature and the enemies were
always of the same size. In the 1st level, Nemesis abondoned than humongeous creature and swapped it for a simple lion, also 3 villagers high. Talking about
Villages can't exist without a god. What bull**** is that? You had to feed them like little babies, and make whores to keep the village alife. I heard that the villages will be more independant in B&W2, but that could also be a dirty lie. A god has better things to do than caring about his worshipper, doesn't he?
The new good creatures look like yellow furballs, and the evil ones like burned down scare crows. I'm not saying that restyling your creature's hair by throwing a fireball at him isn't cool, but they really overused the fur some.
Enough ranting for today though.