I'd like to see the Pike and Spear power become upgraded to have something around 30 damage(of course, the price would inflate as well). We already have enough low level stabbing only polearms (boar spear, pitchfork) and a middle range one (lance), but we have no really powerful spears. To make sure that these wouldn't make the horseback lances obsolete, Pikes and Spears could be made uncouchable.
Along with this suggestion, i'd like to suggest a feature i'll call "stopping power." If a stab from a polearm deals more than X damage to a horse, the horse rears. Also, if X damage is done to a rider, he has a chance to become unhorsed.
Along with this suggestion, i'd like to suggest a feature i'll call "stopping power." If a stab from a polearm deals more than X damage to a horse, the horse rears. Also, if X damage is done to a rider, he has a chance to become unhorsed.