better crouch lance strike animation, unhorse riders

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i think the shock of the lance animation should have a more "umph" to it. if it strike a mounted man with a shield it should havea random chance of unhorsing the rider without killing the man.
Yea it doesnt really seem to have enough... unhorsing a rider could happen when they to to block it with thier sheild, Bust the shield Or do a lot more damage to the shield than it does.

I dont think a person can hold up a shield and be fine after a charging lance absolutley crushed him, he should at least be dazed or something like the post that has different hit locations...
Yes, I agree absolutely!

See my thread "Why I Don't Use This Weapon"

I choose weapons not just for their stats; I also like the style of play and their "animated" consequences on the field.

The "couched lance damage" is tremendous in terms only of the text "Delivered 150 points damage." Yawn....

Now, if there was a satisfying THUD as you hit a bandit and he rolled a few feet or a "CLANNNNG" as that Dark Knight was violently punched out of his saddle then I'd be lancing all the damn day.

I'm very eclectic in terms of weapon use; but I rarely use the lance 'cause I find it dull. If someone likes it as it is, then...go nuts! But me, no, I'll pass.
Now, if there was a satisfying THUD as you hit a bandit and he rolled a few feet or a "CLANNNNG" as that Dark Knight was violently punched out of his saddle then I'd be lancing all the damn day.

Now imagine that in addition to the lance's blistering sounds and animations as it splinters and breaks upon impact :twisted:!

I believe the lance should only be able to be used a limited time so that it would balance realistically with reality and gameplay but it should be very damaging and satisfying to use :smile:.
i hate the lances... its so stupid. Why make a big long stick to poke ram in to people at high speeds when you could simple jump up, grab them by the head, and pull them off their horse? This would also lead to them being on the ground, meaning you could pull out your trust dagger and kill them, ready to take on the next noob!

Ok back to reality. I just hate lances cause I still don't know how to get the couched damage. If I knew that, I would use them. I hate going in to the arena in Zendar and being owned by one of the lancers because they keep getting the couched damage on me. I also found that, unless my opponet has a shield, I can use a lance much much better on foot in the arena. If you keep walking towards an enemy in the arena, he keeps backing up. The more range you have with a lance, the more damage. I just keep poking at the guy till he dies and then continue to the next one :twisted:
How to get crouched lance damage.... You simply run without hitting attack but sprint the horse after them untill your hero lowers it on his own but you must stear the horse of course... if you do this outside the area you need a fast horse...
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