Better Comands

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Hi guys aint really posted much here so here it goes!
I was thinking more commands for example you could get your cavalry to follow you and infantry to hold there postions , or archers to fire infantry to charge, this makes sence right :?:
Hey MountnBlade05,

Might I suggest that you try to use the search function before posting a new thread? The search function we have on this site isn't the best but it will often help you find similar threads. If, failing that, you would ... could you check the stickied thread ***Frequent Suggestion Answering Form.*** that Ingolifs wrote for us?

Your suggestion has been mentioned a few times ( :wink: ) before ...

Darn it, how do you guys get your graphics to work like that? (ie. the one you have in your avatar) My horses look too sharp, making them look rigit to be realistic ::*(
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