beta1.4.1 Troops only use one ladder in a pair, and Archers are really aggressive about climbing the wall

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Summary: AI seems to have taken a step back in 1.4.1, troops move to the base of the ladders, raise them then fail to push the attack. They mostly only climb up one, and just stand there doing nothing. No other siege equipment, assault as soon as the siege camp finished. Thought that it would be an easy fight..
Also Archers are really aggressive about climbing the wall for some reason, instead of staying behind and shoot at the defenders.
Quest/Settlement Name (if related): Ataconia castle
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Look at all those Fians on the wall

Just hanging around..

Version: Beta 1.4.1
Installed community-made modifications:None
I have been informed that this issue is fixed on our development branch and the fix will be implemented with the upcoming patches. Thanks for reporting!
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