Beta Patch Notes e1.7.0

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There are still fundamental/basic problems that need attention NOW... damage/protection system, battle ai, the ****ing wild jitterning, cover diplomacy basics, etc...not even mentioning MP :roll: ... a hamster wasteland
Are you speaking about that strange "shaking" movement group of bots are doing during siege?
I really hope they get rid of it because sometimes it makes me feel dizzy...
I still think the economy is out of balance. Late early to mid game I find that I am constantly under financial pressure. With maxed out shops and my whole army in my castle, I am losing about 1000 per day. I do have my garrison maxed out but I feel like you have to have quite a few troops in garrison or you invite a siege. It also makes sense to have some in garrison to give to companions when you create a party for them.
the economy in the game at the moment is complete nonsense: the income from the holdings does not even cover the costs of the garrison necessary to maintain security
the game has become unplayable after todays hotfix. CRASHES frequently when i try to join a battle.
Hotfix 16/12/2021


  • Fixed a crash that occurred when bartering for safe passage. (Also in 1.6.5 hotfix.)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when bartering with bandits.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when calling all companions in the tavern.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the player hovered over caravan animals and equipment with the cursor.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to player agent being removed from detachments at the beginning of the battle.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the dialogue option that displays the next list of options to get stuck.
  • Fixed bug that caused the Preventive Medicine perk to work even when the player didn't enter a battle.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Parade perk to work in other clans' settlements.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the party name/speed labels to overlap the party size labels for non-main party nameplates.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the escape menu buttons to not show up in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some items to disappear on drag & release in the launcher and barter.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the "Slow down while giving orders" not to revert back to normal speed in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the "CONTINUE" button on the launcher to not work properly if the initial video is missing.

  • Players can no longer grant a settlement that has a voting procedure in progress which can affect the ownership of the settlement.
  • Added the Character Portrait Competition winner faces to the game. You can see them wandering the lands of Calradia under the names of Ghuzid (Battle Hardened), Satros (Philosopher), Minarvina (Sidekick), and Tyliana (Machiavellian).
  • Clan members' location text now says "Governing at…" if the hero is governing a settlement.
  • Added the missing charm perk icons.


  • Balance changes from e1.6.5 have also been applied to e1.7.0.


  • Made map screen's VisualsOfEntities public which should extend the moddability of party visuals.
  • Removed the error for invalid XMLs which was causing crashes.
No death % changes... Sad. It's way too low atm, I think, barely noticeable.
your horse lose hp.
This is from the well strapped riding 50 perk, it raises the horse you mounts max HP, but doesn't fill it, making it appear to be wounded. This bug has been around for a looooong time. So it only really work on the one you ride into battle and not if you dismount it.

the economy in the game at the moment is complete nonsense: the income from the holdings does not even cover the costs of the garrison necessary to maintain security
I bet it is though, as long as you get a plus security building up it'll reach a good amount in time. Even a beat up town should be able to do well enough if you spend it's income on t3/4 units in the garrison, for good balance of +security, wage and food. I agree in general though, passive income is a bit stingy and requires some occult knowledge to set up.???
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I have two weird issues now since starting a new game.

1, I cannot actually quit the game. "Save game and Exit" and "Quit to Main Menu" both put me back in the game. As in, if I press "Save game and Exit", the game freezes for a few seconds, it flashes, and then I am back on the campaign map (almost like it was loading my last save?).

2, starting the game up puts it into windowed mode, even after I set it to fullscreen. This happens everytime I choose Continue from the launcher, and every time I need to set it back to fullscreen.

Both of these seem to pop up in any new save I make, after loading that save atleast once.
1, I cannot actually quit the game. "Save game and Exit" and "Quit to Main Menu" both put me back in the game. As in, if I press "Save game and Exit", the game freezes for a few seconds, it flashes, and then I am back on the campaign map (almost like it was loading my last save?).

I can confirm this.
Are there any plans to expand the banner editor a bit? Even if it isn't bringing back bannerpasting, could we get something more in depth like adding more layers of emblems? Several clans already have two combined emblems already. I understand that the battle terrain took a lot of work to get working but I'm just curious as to what's next beyond what has been said in the future plans post. Could we get a tertiary color as well for more color that only appears on the banner?

Just wanted to ask again. I didn't think a whole new thread would be helpful just to ask.
No death % changes... Sad. It's way too low atm, I think, barely noticeable.
To be fair in my new 1.7 game I had two AI battle deaths in the first month of the game. RIP Rhagaea
To be fair in my new 1.7 game I had two AI battle deaths in the first month of the game. RIP Rhagaea
In my old playthrough I had 2 or 3 deaths in FIVE in-game years. In my new one death are also very rare and insignificant at all. The current death rate should be either revised or at least the players should be allowed to change it manually. Right now that's some "Friendship is magic" stuff, where everyone dies happily from old age, surrounded by 20 healthy kids.
I have two weird issues now since starting a new game.

1, I cannot actually quit the game. "Save game and Exit" and "Quit to Main Menu" both put me back in the game. As in, if I press "Save game and Exit", the game freezes for a few seconds, it flashes, and then I am back on the campaign map (almost like it was loading my last save?).

2, starting the game up puts it into windowed mode, even after I set it to fullscreen. This happens everytime I choose Continue from the launcher, and every time I need to set it back to fullscreen.

Both of these seem to pop up in any new save I make, after loading that save atleast once.

I can confirm this.
Indeed, we fixed the first one internally already. Relaying the second one.

Just wanted to ask again. I didn't think a whole new thread would be helpful just to ask.
We have no plans for expanding the banner editor at the moment.
with the release of the fix, Russian localization stopped working
We're aware of the localization issues that occurred due to the hotfix yesterday. Looking into it.
the economy in the game at the moment is complete nonsense: the income from the holdings does not even cover the costs of the garrison necessary to maintain security
I was running into the same issue in my past playthroughs but now on 170 (not saying something changed with 170 in this regard) I have a castle and a town, both holding about 100 max tier troops as well as 150 troops in my own party and get around +1000 income per day. Keep in mind that I have 5 workshops to support that additionally though. So it might just be a matter of "playing it smart".
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