In Progress [BETA e1.7.2] Lords spawning with low level gear

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No, I didn't use any mods.
Summary: I'm starting to see noble lords spawning with low level sets of their respective cultures. It's possible that it's just their civilian gear. Saw a Vlandian Lord going around with a red shirt, didn't screenshot it because I thought it was an oddity. Screenshot is my second occurence. The Lords I've seen are very young, so the issue might be with new emergent lords, though rebel nobles seem just fine
How to Reproduce: Start a game, then have a noble reach maturity and assigned as a party leader
Have you used cheats and if so which: none
Scene Name (if related): World map, they appear the same in conversations. Can't confirm in battle scenes because they die very fast.
Media (Screenshots & Video):

Computer Specs: Irrelevant

EDIT: TWIM seems to be broken, you can still see the image by right clicking and "view in another tab"
Hey, unfortunately i could not reach the screenshot. Can you please update it or send it to me directly via DM or Ticket? To send us a ticket, please visit the site and login to your forum account from the top right. Click to "My Account" and then click to "My Open Tickets". You can create a ticket there and include the file and as well as the forum link of this thread. You can find more info about how to upload files to us with the new ticketing system here. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
I've seen this aswell on my play.
1 of the lords is running around in civila clothing, no horse either(Sturgian lord, so should have horse, afaik Battania is the faction that spawns without horses).(the lords culture is Sturgian).
He also seem to lack other weapon, could be that he have a sword.
I've now added a file in the ticket system called Chel.sav after the lord who is one of several that is spawned with low lvl gear.
Afaik he only have 1h sword and a piece of clothing on him(no armor, nor horse, no bow, javelin etc).

The lord Chel is next to my character heading towards the castle.
Should only take a few min if he goes inside to inspect him, if you can intercept him.

The lord is clearly visible as he is the leader of that army, and can be seen with no horse nor armor.
Most if not all the other lords in the army is seen with mount and armor as normal.
I've now added a file in the ticket system called Chel.sav after the lord who is one of several that is spawned with low lvl gear.
Afaik he only have 1h sword and a piece of clothing on him(no armor, nor horse, no bow, javelin etc).

The lord Chel is next to my character heading towards the castle.
Should only take a few min if he goes inside to inspect him, if you can intercept him.

The lord is clearly visible as he is the leader of that army, and can be seen with no horse nor armor.
Most if not all the other lords in the army is seen with mount and armor as normal.

I've added a 2nd ticket when my "twins" grew up, 1 had nice armor, the other was in civilan gear.
They are on same ticket and the same is called twins.sav
Hey, i will forward the issue to the QA team with the save files. Thank you for your time and reporting it in.
Hey, i will forward the issue to the QA team with the save files. Thank you for your time and reporting it in.

after the inspection, I did notice that the Twins where one have "decent gear" for combat in the civilan was the one dressed in civilian gear in the "military outfit".
Seems to have been flipped during creation.

I havent looked at the other npc's though, if they are also twins, and if it have something to do with it or if its a false positive.
I've added a 2nd file to this from another play.

My suspicion seems to have some hold, that I "found when my twins" had the issue.
One had full armor in "civilan clothing" while her armor slot was in civilan.

Now in this play my son have come of age 18, and he have this issue.

As you can see in the file I've added in ticket "buggedgear.sav" with reference to this thread.

He have civilan clothing in the armor, but armor in civilan.

I dont know why it happends tbh, but for some reason it seems that the game "picks" from the wrong outfit list at times.
This is kind of podoo in more than 1 way, with all the lords now haveing increased risk in combat with 0 armor on, and beign useless on the battlefield with lacking weapons + mount etc.(for the AI, I as the player will just buy gear for the character and thats that, naturally that will set me back several 100's k of denars, but I can afford it :wink:
Hey, i have upadated the QA team. Thank you for your time our teams are looking into this issue.
Super, as said it dont affect the players kid as much, as we can upgrade their gear fairly easy, even if its trashy looted armor if the player should be poor.
But for the AI its pretty much a deathsentence running into combat like that :razz:

Addendum though, the 2nd son popped up fine, and he showed as kid being in civial gear, when he hit 18 - he had nice armor, weapons and mount(Tyal).
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