wats the best way to make money without reaching lv l 6 cause i am gonna buy a license but not right now and im too bored to just gert my character to 6 and than wait till i get the money so how can i get rich quick
or, if you wanna be dumb about it, buying stuff at one place and selling at another. What I did when I first started was make trips to the salt mine and then sell at the nearby Vaegir towns for 140 denars (twice as much as u spent at salt mine) or go back to zendar and sell for 200 denars. I just kept doin this till the salt mine was empty or all the merchants were full. I made quite a bit of money off of this also, if you have some horses in your inventory, they act as pack horses, and make you move faster if you have a lot of junk.
it might make getting money tooo too easy but i think shops should have unlimited space or atleast more than they regularly have cause if a shop can be from hte size of a stand to like a house dont ya think they can have huge as hell storage
I myself played as a merchant for quite some time, because having the full game would've messed up with my studies.
Here is Rustyarmour's merchant's guide, which is a good read, and here is mine, which is less entertaining but more informative.
My merchant character i eventually built up to level 5, and had so much money before i stopped playing him that Borcha, marnid and i all had complete black armour and Borcha had a spirited charger.
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