Best units against Dark Knights?

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Hello fellow M&Bers,

My troop composition is 14 Hired Blades and 12 Vaegir Knights. It seems whenever I encounter Dark Knights/Hunters, I would lose 1-5 units (mostly hired blades, because I have them on top of the list)... Since I am too lazy to replace the troops, I started avoiding Dark Knights!! How cowardly!
(As for my tactics, I usually have them following me, so when I charge around with my lance, the troop would stay mobile. Sometimes I park them in a specific spot and lead enemies to them when I feel overwhelmed. Both resulted dead units, though...)

I wonder if there's any better unit against these bastards. Say, would a legion of archers/crossbowmen on top of a hill be better than a pack of Hired Blades? Or any idea about better strategy?

I find that the best unit against those bastards is me

If im not solo i have all my mounted men dismount and hold position, that way they are by thier horses, darkies ride in, get stuck, then butchered, useful strategy i picked up in some other topic somewhere

Archers or crossbowmen can be very effective against darkies, provided they can get close enough to fire and stay far enough away to not get trampled. A possibility would be to get a fair number of high-end ranged units with some strong footmen, and camp them up on a hill. Then (provided you have a fast enough horse) just ride around in wide circles within firing range. Your footmen can hold any stray darkies back while your archers shoot . . . your footmen . . .

I went up against a huge number of darkies while they were attacking a group of refugees (danged sense of honor and chivalry). I didn't have near enough men, and eventually got creamed. They captured most of my men, and took a large amount of money from me. Then, with my blood boiling of vengeance, I took Marnid and Borcha - tracked them down, and attacked again. I think it took two tries to take out the nearly 50 darkies . . . but then I got my men back!
Hired blades are the best unit to face anything, IMO.

You can either tell them to charge right away, but there's a slight risk of casualties there. The best thing is to tell them to follow you into a river or onto a very steep hill, then order them to dismount and hold. After that, you go and take care of the knights on your own. If you feel like you can't handle it, fall back to your troops, dismount and hold the river/hilltop. The knights won't stand a chance with their crappy horses. Just be sure to finish off the rider right after the horse gets killed. Otherwise he might actually hurt someone.
Kniggit said:
I find that the best unit against those bastards is me

If im not solo i have all my mounted men dismount and hold position, that way they are by thier horses, darkies ride in, get stuck, then butchered, useful strategy i picked up in some other topic somewhere

Yes, the Dark Knights can behave like a group of Borchas and rush into a gang of dismounted knights and infantry and get swarmed. I use that tactic if I'm not concerned that someone else is getting all the experience pts.
As a bowman, it's possible to stand halfway up a very steep slope where the mounted knights can't reach you and shoot them down, first targetting those without shields. Taking a couple quick steps towards a shielded knight can trick him into swinging and dropping his shield long enough to receive an arrow. And you might as well take an extra bag of arrows instead of a shield because you're not going to take any hits as long as they remain on their horses.

Yeah, I know it's a bit of an exploit. :wink:
I usually get all my guys to follow (have abour 10-15 horse, 10 or so sharpshooters, and rest are footmen type). Find a hill take out my Xbow and drop about 5 knights before they even engage in combat, reload one more time mount up take out my huge axe and start whacking away with a down hill charge (also tell my men to charge). I guess I shoudl really get a bow seems more ppl use that.
JoeBlack said:
Find a hill take out my Xbow and drop about 5 knights before they even engage in combat...
1. My character has agility of 24, which gives him a 12% speed bonus on all weapons. With that, it still takes him 22 seconds to fire 5 shots from a crossbow, and that's without stopping to aim the thing.

2. I timed 5 encounters with Dark Knights to see how long it took to first see them; that is, to be able to shoot them with the xbow. It took about 8 - 12 seconds.

3. I checked how much time passed between first seeing them and them reaching me and my troops. Unless they had to cross a river it took them 4 - 10 seconds.

In other words, I just don't think it's possible to do what you are claiming. :???:
find a hill that they can not come up the face you are staring at them with.. you will get most then 4-10 seconds I promise because AI is never> a living brain. Frist a few look up at you and try to reach you die, then they run around the hill and waste a few more seconds, when they start coming up the hill behind me my men keep thier first units busy while I still unload on the ones that are in the back. By that time I have killed anywhere from 3-5 with my Xbow.
For me it would be my crew of heroes,
Myslef, Marnid, Borcha, Xerina, Dranton, and Kradus.

I have them all equipped with black armor. Nomad Sabres, double axes, shields, and for me the sword of war.
Let's sword sister's really don't have a problem with them...because I've set a small battle size, and have tactics at 4, I can pretty much overwhelm the DK's easy.
Invictus said:
Heavy Bardiche and Spirited Charger. You ride around them and kill one by one.

A spirited courser is IMO enough for this, you wont get any charge bonus charging other horses anyway, but the charger has more armor but it isnt worth it IMO, chargers are the **** when it comes to infantry.
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