Best tactics to defeat black kngihts?

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Hi. I play this mod very long alredy , but i only waste my men. Damage to me is set to Normal , Damage To Friends is set to normal.I wanna play fair.
But i tell my men to get in a line , enemy cavalary rush into my spearwall . Enemy loses about 10 cavalary but i lost alredy 40 infartry. And then i got reinforcements and enemy ifnatry arrived.And they knocked me unconsioucs and took me as a prisoner. I lost my 39000 denars. And expensive items. impossible :eek:.
If you add the NE banner to your current collection of mod banners in your sig you are sure to win any battle!

Seriously though, spearwall works better in ranks/phalanxes 'cos if the one in front missed or got knocked down the ones behind him will still have a chance to kill the horse. A press of bodies will also be able to slow horses down better and your men can mob the guy down, though this is less likely with heavily armored DKs who tend to kill several of your men before they can even touch him.

Apart from that I must say I'm not much good at fighting DKs myself and tend to rely on high-tier archers/alabastier (sp?) to do the job while my cavalry distract them and my infantry becomes sword fodder, though I'm sure others will have other tips for you.
So here it goes:
In my last game I was/am a vassal to the Nords yet I own Suno, so I can field Knights and Paladins.
If I decide to fight the DKs in the open, my army consists of a mix of Nord high tier infantry and archers [Obudshaer, Elite Huskarls and Skalds and Arbalestiers if I can get them], cavalry consists of Paladins/Crusader, whatever is ready.

The battle:
If you have less men, forget it. If you are outnumbered like in the usual battles, run for your life. [my experience at least]
Tell your archers/crossbowmen to hold their ground, line up your infantry in front of them.
Now wait till the enemy cavalry tries to outflank you. While they are doing so, tell your cavalry to follow you and try to get behind the enemy archers. Kill 'em and for the love of the gods, try to stay on your horse  :razz:
When you're done your infantry should be pretty much down but the enemy cavalry should be on their feet as well.
Get your cavalry to charge the remaining enemies and hope that the hostile reinforcements don't arrive in time.

It helps if you deploy your archers/infantry on a hill and as far away from the enemy spawn point as possible [but not at the very corner of the battlefield, that's just exploiting].

That's how I got Grife, Tantius and Gracius to admit defeat. Yet it takes some time till you're ready to confront them, because they will stick together ion the beginning and if the Lady is there...

Hm reminds me that I never actually got around fighting her, apart from some tests right after the patch came out  :neutral:
Wellenbrecher said:
The battle:
If you have less men, forget it. If you are outnumbered like in the usual battles, run for your life. [my experience at least]

Mostly yes, except of an all-Elite Rangers or all-Cavalier army.

I defeated the whole DK invading force at once with 300 Elite Rangers. The longer the battle takes, the easier it gets. You only have to call for reinforcements immeadiately after spawning, and then press the button the whole time during the battle. Of course you have to lure their cavalry away from your archers, and ideally ride their own archers beneath the turf.

If you've got a whole bunch of cavaliers simply charge  :wink:
Joker86 said:
Mostly yes, except of an all-Elite Rangers or all-Cavalier army.

I defeated the whole DK invading force at once with 300 Elite Rangers. The longer the battle takes, the easier it gets. You only have to call for reinforcements immeadiately after spawning, and then press the button the whole time during the battle. Of course you have to lure their cavalry away from your archers, and ideally ride their own archers beneath the turf.

If you've got a whole bunch of cavaliers simply charge  :wink:
Right! Now that you say it, I remember that you posted this.
I never got myself to go all x or all y. Maybe I should try it someday.
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