Best items...

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Lord Blade

So what's everyone's opinion for what the best items are?

One handed deadly
One handed blunt
Two handed deadly
Two handed blunt
Thrown weapon
Hey, why don't you stop spamming the board and find it out yourself?
I'm sure that's a major part of fun. And besides, you'll know it all yourself by the time you'll have funds to buy it (and stats to use it) :razz:, so it's really unnecessary question.
But if you really want to spoil your fun - best prefix for armor is reinforced. Best prefix for weapon is heavy of balanced. (At least, I've not found better). Best armor is black plate armor. Find out the rest yourself :smile:, or dig around in game files.
P.S. But prefix list would be nice, I guess. I'll add it to the FAQ eventially.
And why don't you post your questions into the FAQ thread (since you asked for it yourself?:smile:) That'll make tracking questions much easier, and will prevent clogging forum with individual threads.
Funny story.
One time I finnal managed to save up the ~17000 needed to buy plate armour, and having seen in 5 minutes previously in Reyvadin, I headed down there.
They didnt have it.
Nor did anybody else.
Last town on the map, Peyvadin (sp?). They had Black Armour.
I couldnt afford it, at 27,000.
I did get lucky though, a band of Black Raiders was passing buy after a caravan.
Boom, 5,000 :smile:
After that I just had to sell my helmet and previous suit (heraldric mail) and I had enough for the black armour.
And now that Im practically invincible, Im on my way to getting me helmet back.
Mr 47, after heraldic mail, I bought a reinforced coat of plates. It protects as well as Black Armour (Body 24 / Legs 10 as opposed to Body 25 / Legs 9) and cost me just below 17k... Also, as I fight mounted, I really appreciate that extra protection to the legs.

But invulnerable? It didn't make me invulnerable! I still dread turning my back on archers or charging at full-gallop into a group of footmen. I suppose I'm just being careful.

But then I have no companions...
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