best armour

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Whats the best armour you've seen? not only body but legs and helm aswell

Name: Reinforced Great Helm
Cost: 21k
Def: 26 Head

name: black armour (or sumthing like that)
Cost: 31k
Def: 26 Body and 9 Legs
weaigth: 30

Name: Black legs (or sumthing with black)
cost: 21k
Def: 22 legs
Well, so far as I know :smile: - black armor is the best. And best modifier is reinforced. So, sum 1 + 1 :smile:.
Reinforced black is the best in terms of stats, but I like that dorky flat-top helm. You know, the one with the red band. Also, the red armor (heraldric, I believe) really stands out in the battlefield.
To be honest, I prefer a Hardened Leather Jerkin to any armor. Stats are 14 body, 7 Leg I think, from when i last used it. It only weighs 6, while black armor weighs 20. When I'm fighting on foot, that helps significantly. Besides, I tend to evade, so i dont need more hit points. I think leather is sexier, too.
[bulletproof] said:
To be honest, I prefer a Hardened Leather Jerkin to any armor. Stats are 14 body, 7 Leg I think, from when i last used it. It only weighs 6, while black armor weighs 20. When I'm fighting on foot, that helps significantly. Besides, I tend to evade, so i dont need more hit points. I think leather is sexier, too.

but you can just defend your self with weapon. thats how i do =) and if you got the full black set then the bandits and othere humans normal only hit quite low on you =) if they even make a hit on you :razz:
zeebah said:
[bulletproof] said:
To be honest, I prefer a Hardened Leather Jerkin to any armor. Stats are 14 body, 7 Leg I think, from when i last used it. It only weighs 6, while black armor weighs 20. When I'm fighting on foot, that helps significantly. Besides, I tend to evade, so i dont need more hit points. I think leather is sexier, too.

but you can just defend your self with weapon. thats how i do =) and if you got the full black set then the bandits and othere humans normal only hit quite low on you =) if they even make a hit on you :razz:

If it were not completely out of character for my female renegade hunter that's how I would play it: wear the best armor I could afford. It does make combat against mobile hard hitting opponents more difficult; they're as fast as you and hit harder! C'est la guerre.
Ive got a few reinforced black helmets in my group.

DR: 28

I think the standard black helmet is 25 so reinforced must add 3. Personally I dont wear it though, dont like the look.
Black helmet, black armour and black greaves is what my character is wearing and the 'black' armour type seems to be the best I have found with one exception.

Reinforced or hardened iron greaves had an armour rating of one higher than the standard black boots, I noticed. I don't recall if that is what they were called, but I saw them once.

Of course, I could have purchased them, but I prefer the style of being dressed in all black.
Destichado said:
I found a suit of reinforced black... but I had an invintory full of spice and furs and couldn't afford it!!! :cry:
It should stay there for awhile.
Ya, no lay-away is a biatch ain't it? :lol:

I'm still diligently hunting for a Watered Steel Broadsword...if such a thing exists, I'm beginning to think only Nomad Sabers & Scimitars have that attribute...and while my Balanced Broadsword does the job it's intended for, the idea that there just might be a better version out there has resulted in the Legend of Sir Logan, searching the land in vain for the ultimate Broadsword... :sad:

I already have a beautiful matched set of Reinforced Bascinet/Iron Plate/Iron Greaves, a Reinforced Heater Shield, and a Heavy Charger, I was going with Black Armour & Steel Shield...but it didn't match my horses' armour perfectly...and I'm far too courteous to my enemies to send them to hell without presenting them with a vision of the height of current chivalric fashion before ending their short, miserable lives... :cool:

Other than that, the Great Lance is fine for skewering disrespectful bandits, and since I haven't seen any Balanced/Heavy/Watered Steel versions of it yet I'm perfectly satisfied, while my Morning Star is an awesome sight as I continue my research into emergency field lobotomies, however if I find any better versions it will definitely have to be replaced, nothing but the best for me. :grin:
Here are my armor stats:
Reinforced black helmet - +28 to head armor
Thick black armor - +28 to body, +11 to leg armor
Thick black greaves - +21 to leg armor
I bought the helmet and greaves for a bunch of money and got the thick black armor as loot from a battle with dakr hunters.
I cant find black armor to save my life. Was plenty of it when I couldnt afford it. Now that I have megabucks it's nowhere to be found. Been hunting Blackriders too but they never have anything, almost literally nothing. Where I get 20-30 pieces of loot from pirates raiders and the like, the blackriders never seem to give more than 1-3 pieces, and its never what their wearing. It's actually starting to piss me off too, I mean the experience for them is nice, the loot sucks large sections of ass.

I think the loot & merchant system works according to Murphy's Law...whenever you don't want something/can't afford it, you find it everywhere...the moment you get just one little piece of a matched set of armour in your inventory it's like the rest go into hiding...underwear gnomes maybe? :???:
In the beginning, the black khergits are a good source of armor. One of my characters found a reinforce/thick lamellar cuirass and a spiked helmet from the first group I attacked
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