"Berserk" A new Skill

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How about adding the skill Berserk? For every 2 Levels of Berserk your character will get a 5% percent bonus in agility, damage done in combat, and strength when you go under 20% health. :smile:
Not a bad idea, Dvd. Instead of STR and AGI stat increases though ... I personally think it would be easier and maybe better to just add a damage and weapon speed modifier.

Example = Berserk skill of 4 means that when I get to 20%, or below, life ... then I get an extra 10% weapon speed and 5% damage increase.

Sorry corksacker69, but I don't feel that activated skills that last a period of time with a cooldown really fit into the theme the game has.

Perhaps you could go with the historical version of "berzerk," which either meant "bear shirt" as in wearing a bear pelt and nothing else, or "bear shirt," meaning wearing nothing but whatever hairs you had, and possibly some warpaint. In a scenario such as this, wearing no armor would allow you to increase your weapon damage and speed.
NorphTehDwarf said:
Perhaps you could go with the historical version of "berzerk," which either meant "bear shirt" as in wearing a bear pelt and nothing else, or "bear shirt," meaning wearing nothing but whatever hairs you had, and possibly some warpaint. In a scenario such as this, wearing no armor would allow you to increase your weapon damage and speed.

This I like. There should be benefits for wearing light or no armor. I'm not in favor of the below 20% health thing. If you've been beaten to that point in real life, you can't function. 'Going berserk' is usually a reaction to panic. You convert your fear to anger. Maybe there could be two sides to this. If you have a low berserk skill, you'd get panicked. There could also be a 'bravery' skill or something, the only difference being that you remain calm instead of becoming a mad killing machine, only that 'beavery would have a higher chance of avoiding panic. Here are a few possibilities when you'd have to do a 'panic-check':

1: None or light armor. You don't feel reassured about the amout of protection you've got on you.

2: Overwhelming odds. Having 10 Vaegir Guards charging at you might make you more than slightly uncomfortable.

3:Wounded. You naturally get scared when there's an arrow sticking out of your shoulder.
NorphTehDwarf said:
Perhaps you could go with the historical version of "berzerk," which either meant "bear shirt" as in wearing a bear pelt and nothing else, or "bear shirt," meaning wearing nothing but whatever hairs you had, and possibly some warpaint. In a scenario such as this, wearing no armor would allow you to increase your weapon damage and speed.

Thanks for saving me the time of saying this. Agreed completely, and I hope it ends up in the game.

About bravery, yeah, that might be a realistic thing to add, but it'd be a pain to end up panicked half the time (the way I play, almost all the time).
I like the panic-check idea, but if you don't have a high berserk or bravery skill I don't really see how you could have panicing give you a detrimental effect without making it something incredibly annoying. Maybe a failed panic-check for someone without any berserk ability could lower weapon speed and damage, or possibly increase damage caused by enemies.

It could also have a negative effect on leadership, who would want to stand and fight when your general is freaking out and crying like a little girl (my apologies to any little girls who might be offended)?
I think a 'traits' idea could cover that and a bunch more, maybe in the Total war style. It would develop on how you fight, meaning if you like to let your warriors handel the battle and sit back you would develp a 'tactitian' skill, giving your troops higher HP, or better weapon skills, but on a negative side you would develp a 'questionable courage' skill, which would negativly impact the amount of troops you could recruit at taverns.

While if you always lead the attack and kill 50% more people then all of your other men combined (common occurence) you would develop a 'legendary commander' trait giving you a huge bonus in recruiting and managing toops. While at the same time developing a 'rookie squad' trait, cutting the exp your men recieve in battle one half, seeing as how well... they didn't fight.

Checks and balances so to speak.
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