bent barbed arrows have no damag!!!

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i just found some bent barbed arrows.. showed no damage modifier. I bought them and tryed them out and i got the difficulty raiting but no damage. just thought you might want to check this out.
It's the way it's supposed to be.

Barbed arrows normally give +1 damage, but the bent property subtracts 1 damage point from the item. Quite simply, 1 - 1 = 0.
hi leo,

actually the barbed arrows on my game show a +2. but thats not the bug im reporting...what im saying is there is no modifier shown at all. and besides the regular bent arrows are showing a -1 for damage modifiers.
Damage modifier is how much arrow adds to bow's damage. Regular arrows have +1, barbed have +2, bodkin have +3. Bent arrows have -2.

Say, a bow does 20 damage. With barbed arrows it will be 22 damage since there is a +2 modifier. With bent barbed arrows a bow would do 20 damage since 20 + 2 - 2 = 20
Barbed arrows won't increace bow's damage but they are still ammo!
Ah, right, my mistake. Same result though. +2 (for barbed modifier) - 2 (for bent modifier) = 0.
ok ill try this again............... what i am saying is this.. when you mouse over an item it will give you a list .
the items name
the quantaty of items
the price or value
the type of damage (this is the line that is missing)

i understand the values. i understand how to calculate the damage bonus or negative. ok now listen to what im saying.........when i shoot my bow....i recive a message that states the shot difficulty but..........not ........the damage there is no damage shown at all.

this should be clear . all other arrows show damage but i cant get the bent barbed arrows to deal any damage from the arrow or bow.

now i hope this is clear.
LOL! Barbed arrows are not a weapon!
They are AMMO! A rifle round will not hurt anyone if there is no rifle. Armor-piercing, hollow-point, etc. - would not matter! A round is a round and if you do not have a rifle you do not care what its type/quality/whatever is! However, if fired from the same rifle, they will cause different effect.
For arrows, you have good ones and sucky ones. If you use sucky ones, you get weaker shots from your bow. Using good ones, will make your bow do more damage.
Haha, Thorins, looks like an average forum user is not able to read and understand past about two first lines of text. You could try again, make it short and get right to the point. :wink:
I cant confirm your problem though, never been using bent barbed so far.
hi manitas,

i dont care about those that cant read. as long as some one with some compitence lvl understood what i am saying is all that matters. thank you for the acknolegment.
You mean on the inventory screen, where it would normally say "+2 damage" if you were looking at, for example, bodkin arrows.
None of the bent arrows I've seen had that line either. I always assumed it was +0 and therefore not listed.

I still get the damage shown when I hit somebody though. Is that what your saying is missing? You sure you haven't turned it off in the options?
hi archon,

thats exatly what i mean. but i dont turn off the damage report..... i like to see what damage im doing and see the improvement with skillups. but yes i assumed the non modified was 0 too thats why i wanted to try it out just to see. it sounds like its a glitch on my system but if any one else can check this as well i would apreciate it :grin:
Weapons have ammo. If the ammo is "default", the damage is what the weapon is supposed to make. If the ammo is better, there is a positive modifier to the damage. If ammo sucks, the modifier is negative - the bow still does damage, but less then what it does with "regular" ammo.
Just arrows are well made - not bent, no dents... So, the modifier is positive. + 1 modifier.
Barbed arrows are even better. + 2 modifier
Bent barbed arrows are worse because they are bent, but that is somewhat bakanced by them being barbed. 0 modifier - no modifier exists and, therefore, none is shown!
Bent arrows suck, so the modifier is - 1.

Since all bows do more than 1 damage, there is always some damage done by ANY arrow.
Usually I still get the damage caused and shot difficulty report.

Only time this doesn't happen is if there is a massed battle going on. I thought it may have just been scrolling too quick for me to read, but even with careful watching it never appeared.
But it's not the only one either. Once the battle devolves into a massed scrum then I only get 50% of the messages. I can watch people fall over and nothing stating KO'd or dead will appear (even though I'm watching it happen). Usually speed bonus and damage dissappear too.
I dunno. It looks as if certain messages either override or tie up the display so other messages don't get shown. But I suppose it beats having the thing scroll like some crazy slot machine.
NikkTheTrick, the problem he has, AFAIK, is that when his arrows hit someone the game doesn't show him the damage he does. And the game doesn't show the damage type or the +/- modifyer, which as you yourself said, is 0. While this isn't exactly a brain-disintegrating problem, some might not know that the bows damage isn't modified either way.
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