Before taking up a life of adventuring...

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Squire as well, mainly for the courser.

Although I tried out a court lady one time and got a spirited courser (!) so that might be a good idea next time around.
Squire has ok weapons or merchant because he has goods you can sell
or a hunter if I feel like being an archer
i've used just about every class (except for one or two female ones) my current one is a Squire. the one before that was a hunter(ess) and the one before that was a merchant :razz:
Only been squires and a single hunter...

I just like the crossbow so much, and of course the good old knightly style of fighting.
I played the hunter for a while, but now I've gone to court lady for the spirited couser to start. I sell off the blade and get a staff for blunt damage. I use it like a lance from horse back to KO enemies and sell there hides...
powerg8 said:
Squire has ok weapons or merchant because he has goods you can sell
or a hunter if I feel like being an archer

As a hunter, I also started with furs, which fetched a good price at the Merchant!
here is a very simple breakdown of the different classes

Nun Monk- Not much weaponry but high intel and lots of party healing stats (surgery first aid party heal etc) Good overall stats compared to most... balanced

Hunter/ess- very good at fighting, high stregth and good combat skills, also high weapon mastery in most weapons... unbalanced mostly combat and tracking/pathfinding skills

Squire Court Lady- Start with good equipment, horses and crossbows as well as decent armour, have good money and high Char and party leadership... more balanced than hunters a little lacking in survival skills in the world map and low int but high str as well as char

Trader- I haven't really got why these are different to the nobles, they have high trade (obviously) but that needs char which is the same as nobles. Ill do some research into these but as far as i can see thay aren't that different from nobles in terms of stats... balanced in all, have tons of tradeable goods fromt he start and an extra horse. have higher charisma than nobles but are slightly worse off in str but better agi and have less combat skills from start.

Sorry if its a little vague but it is hard to be precise as i belevie that there is a certain element of stat randomisation which you can even out with the starting stat points given to you. well anyway if any of that is wrong please give me feedback

Joined the posts together. - Narcissus

also soryy about typing errors... i didn't sleep at all last night (had 20 freinds over) and im still clearing up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok i lied actually i just suck at typing :wink: :wink: :wink:
Hey...a good advice, use the EDIT button at the bottom of your posts (or top can't remember lol).

Hunter/ess- very good at fighting, high stregth and good combat skills, also high weapon mastery in most weapons... unbalanced mostly combat and tracking/pathfinding skills

What? Unbalanced tracking/path skills? You know...a hunter uses tracking to hunt, and knows how to find a good path. I think it's alright right now. I might of misunderstood your post sorry :oops:.
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