Been playing the game for a couple of days - some ideas

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Hey Kidz

Hi, i've been playing for a couple of days now and i'm really enjoying the game, and since you're asking for suggestions then here they are!:

I have a couple of suggestions for the battle sections. Firstly i'd find it useful if there was a toggleable status window which told you, firstly which hotkeys correspond to which order, and secondly, highlighted your current orders. So if i'd ordered my men to follow me and unmount, then those two options would be highlighted, and I could see which hotkey I needed to press to get them to mount or whatever again.

Secondly, I thought it would be usefull if the game alerted you if one of your allies was low on hit-point, say at 25%. I thought the best solution would be to make your allies names flash if they were at 25% or lower health, so you can prioratise your attacks on those who are attacking that ally.

I had a few ideas for the world map as well. First of all, I thought that aesthetically, roads, and bridges over the rivers would be nice on the world map. However, carrying on from this I thought that these features would provide a focus when you are hunting for enemies. So, on the roads you're more likely to find and be attackedf by bandits, and caravans follow the roads. Bridges could be impassable unless you defeat an enemy group guarding them. Roads and bridges could be reprisented on the battle screen, ala the total war games.

Finally, I was thinking about the world and plot of the game and how that would develop. I think that it would befit the free-form nature of the game if rather than there being a major, over-arching plot, the world was divided into areas where you could get involved in the conflicts of politics of each. I've been reading a few of the thread, which are discussing settings and suchlike, and looking at alot of the stylings in the game ( medieval Byzantine and turkish) that Turkey around the time of the crusades would be a really interesting setting, with all the historical competing groups. I think that if you're making a 'realistic' style of game, then history can be the best place to borrow a setting and plot from.
Hey Kidz said:
I think that if you're making a 'realistic' style of game, then history can be the best place to borrow a setting and plot from.

Going historical would be nice, but then we would have to worry about accuracy and everything. A fictional setting is much more practical.
I love how that when im in combat im not inundated with tons of window menues and crap.

I like it the way it is and you dont need to see npcs hp because if you see 10 guys fighting one guy you know he is gonna die so go over and help hehe.
armagan said:
Hey Kidz said:
I think that if you're making a 'realistic' style of game, then history can be the best place to borrow a setting and plot from.

Going historical would be nice, but then we would have to worry about accuracy and everything. A fictional setting is much more practical.

Besides, I like the way that this game manages to be fantasy without every other character being a wizard elf or something. I know I'll probably be banned for this, but what if you could choose in the beginning of the game if you wanted to play the game with magic elements included? I'm thinking mainly a few mages, a few magic items(nothing world destroying!!! I hate the way that in most fantasy games the only difference between magic items is the power they possess) maybe the ability to summon otherworldly entities from the endless pits of eternal torment and suffering (I mean Hell, not Manchester)?
armagan said:
Hey Kidz said:
I think that if you're making a 'realistic' style of game, then history can be the best place to borrow a setting and plot from.

Going historical would be nice, but then we would have to worry about accuracy and everything. A fictional setting is much more practical.

I think he meant "borrowing" ideas from history. A good historical turned fictional concept would be the War of the Roses. GRRM used that as a base for his famed novels.

Otherwise I agree with your decision, it gives you more options and so forth.

And I dont think anyone would be banned for offering suggestions in a suggestion board, that would sort of deafeat the purpose :wink:. And personally I would NOT want to see any wizards in this setting. There are enough games for that.

I definitely think that Mount and Blade has a lot of potential to spiral off into a many different games... as is I like very much and would like to see it stay that way. Maybe down the line there could be expansions released that would accomodate the requests of all the people who are calling for variants... but first things first... get Mount and Blade to Gold. :eek:)

Then maybe there could be a whole swath of historical expansion packs released... Cossacks, Greeks, Romans, Persians, English... maybe even battle re-enactments... but like I said... WAY down the line... after Mount and Blade is complete. :eek:)
I agree with Lacivius but also check my thread about "scripting support" that would solve the entire problem about directions :smile:.

Let the creativity flow.

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