Been playing for two days and have a volley of questions

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Hi everyone,

I bought a serial key monday, and just wanted to know how it works.
Can i use it on another computer?
Can i format my computer and then use it again?

I have also acumulated a few questions about the game:
>>Is there a way to "capture" an enemy horse during a fight, so i get to keep it afterwards. (i wanna get dark knight generals horse: Slepnir.. or Mongolian Khans horse)
>>If i kill dark knight general and/or mogolian khan, will they ever respawn? (got a game where ive killed em both, not too bright)
>>Whats the best horse in the game? Spirited charger? or can you get a more epic mount? Also, whats the best place to look for a spirited charger, i can only find ordinary/stubborn/lame/swaybacked chargers.
>>If i start killing swardians, and get to -10 or worse standin, can i still visit their town?

Big thanks to the devs for making a great game.

PS: Is there an area mod where you get to pick gear?
Well first of all:
Ingolifs said:

Mount&Blade Discussion Forum Common question answer form.

Please press all the categories that apply, and you will be taken to a thread that already has it answered.

{X} Where do I find Marnid and Borcha?
{X} How do I get marnid to join my party?
{X} How do I give Borcha and Marnid items?
{X} What is the Four Ways Inn for?
{X} How many computers can I use the serial key on?
{X} Why do I run so slow compared with others?
{X} What affects speed on the world map?
{X} When I fight against 70 enemies, why don't i see them all on the screen at once?
{X} How do I do couch lance damage?
{X} Will there be multiplayer?
{X} How do I take screenshots?
{X} I left marnid and Borcha somewhere, but when i come back, thry're gone.
{X} Are party skills cumulative?
{X} What's this I hear about undead?
{X} What are M&B's cheats?

And finally, you could always try the Mount&Blade FAQ for any other questions.


2nd: if you want to keep an enemy horse (instead of it fading away) you have to kill the rider yourself, while on foot

You're referring to Mag7. The armies (khergit horde and dark army) that spawn those leaders will spawn again, but those party types spawn very rarely.

You can get to -100 relations with any one faction, and still be let into the towns unimpeeded.

The best horse in vanilla M&B is the spirited charger, and it's very rare to see one. (in fact, i've never actually ridden one in my whole time playing M&B)
But if you're playing Mag7, you can get a champion charger by achieving some large rank in your army. I believe a champion charger is better than spirited, and it won't be rendered lame either.
I wont get to keep the horse after combat then?
Or should i clear my current horse from my combat inventory?
Personally, I find spirited hunters to be better than spirited chargers, for the extra speed.
In mag-7 the best horse used to be a champion charger that you got from becoming the grandmaster knight of vaeigr/swadia. Now its the champion sleipnir you get from becoming a grandmaster slayer with the bandits.

I gave an extra speed point to the nightmare and sleipnir as they are hard to come by. If you could find a spirited nightmare, that would probably be the fastest horse.

To get the dark generals army or the khans army to respawn youll need to finish the army off... WIthin a week a new one should appear.
I always preferred the warhorse.

Not as fast, but tends to get taken out far less. But then I never use lances anyway, since most of the time a decent two handed weapon will kill in one hit from horseback.
As far as i'm concerned, there are only 3 horses in the unmodded game really worth getting (once money isn't an issue).
1. Spirited Courser - Fastest horse in the game.
2. Spirited Hunter - Most maneuverable horse in the game.
3. Spirited Charger - Highest charge power and armor, while maintaining decent speed and maneuverability.
A heavy charger is the strongest in the charger's specialized area, I think.
I plan to have a heavy charger for armored enemies, and a spirited courser for light enemies in my horse archer game.

Edit: Spirited courser or hunter, I'll take either.
Ancientwanker said:
I gave an extra speed point to the nightmare and sleipnir as they are hard to come by. If you could find a spirited nightmare, that would probably be the fastest horse.
Champion courser is better than spirited nightmare.

More armor, more charge, 12 manouver vs 11 on nightmare
rout said:
Personally, I find spirited hunters to be better than spirited chargers, for the extra speed.
Me too, but mostly because of their superior maneuverability...
viggo said:
who's borcha? :???: :???: where's borcha? :???: :???:

Borcha is the easter egg of the game. You need to wait till your comptuter's time is new year eve. Then you have to take a bow and start the ceremony. You must headshot-kill all your troopers. Then you can go to rivacheg and you'll see borcha quest enabled. What he is? He is a lizardman. Only fantastic thing in the game.
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