Beef up the Tactics

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In the current version, ones tactic skill only affects the amount of troops one can bring to the battle. I think it needs to be beefed up

What I had in mind: If you have the better tactics value i.e. the tactical advantage before battle > 0, You would get to pick from 3 different random generated battlefields. If advantage = 0 or < 0 you'd get the regular, random field. this would be great. Especially to the archer-empasized armies. You'd pick one with a high mountain and then in the start of the battle you'd run your troops there.

So, what do you think?
Mmmm....I don't know. I think the battlefield should be where you are on the world map, if you in a forest it should have trees,if by a river the battlefield should have a river, by mountains it should have mountains, and in a open area the battlefield should not have any of those. Thats what I think.
powerg8 said:
Mmmm....I don't know. I think the battlefield should be where you are on the world map, if you in a forest it should have trees,if by a river the battlefield should have a river, by mountains it should have mountains, and in a open area the battlefield should not have any of those. Thats what I think.

This has already been suggested. Use search before you post.

How about a whole bunch of Old Time Roman soldiers that come up with a formation of shields that is unbreakable and they kill all of the fighting grampa's who are swinging flails and battle axes and the Romans win. This reminds me of that Monty Python movie called the Life of Brian when they say "Well OK, besides the arches and the aquaducts and the fact that I can go outside at night without being robbed, and yes of course the merchants are selling good stuff. Other than that what have the bloody Romans done for us? They forced civilisation on the western world. Which might be bad or good. And the crucifixions? Man that is hard! That is the toughest way to be killed. They drove a spike right through both wrists and that is right through the middle of your nerves. Jesus was one tough man. And OK.
powerg8 said:
Mmmm....I don't know. I think the battlefield should be where you are on the world map, if you in a forest it should have trees,if by a river the battlefield should have a river, by mountains it should have mountains, and in a open area the battlefield should not have any of those. Thats what I think.

And AFAIK it will be added in the next update.
RJK said:
powerg8 said:
Mmmm....I don't know. I think the battlefield should be where you are on the world map, if you in a forest it should have trees,if by a river the battlefield should have a river, by mountains it should have mountains, and in a open area the battlefield should not have any of those. Thats what I think.

This has already been suggested. Use search before you post.



What was that for? He's allowed to have an opinion besides its relivant to the conversation not like he tried to bring M****P***** into the conversation.
Actually, it makes sense for there to be the small rivers in some of the battles. They aren't big enough to stop you from crossing like the ones that show up on the world map, so aren't shown. Also, it would be good if the rivers mainly showed up near towns since many towns were founded near smaller rivers or streams for a water supply.
KaL said:
RJK said:
powerg8 said:
Mmmm....I don't know. I think the battlefield should be where you are on the world map, if you in a forest it should have trees,if by a river the battlefield should have a river, by mountains it should have mountains, and in a open area the battlefield should not have any of those. Thats what I think.

This has already been suggested. Use search before you post.

What was that for? He's allowed to have an opinion besides its relivant to the conversation not like he tried to bring multiplayer into the conversation.

You are saying that people should be allowed to talk without hostile demands to use the search? Hope he's taking notes:

At least he could be less self-righteous about it [*irony alert*]. I guess Ingolifs called him on it better:
RJK, he wasn't even making a suggestion really. He was just saying that he preferred another method, and simply restated it. Which is exactly what he should have done. Next time try to understand someone's statement before you start being rude.
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