Mr 47

Would be nice in this game 
I think it would be kinda neat to be able to go hunting, maybe kill a few bears or dragons or something, drag it back to a town and trade it in for some dried meat, which I can go and sell elsewhere.
Maybe get some quests to go and kill dangerous animals harrassing towns and such.
If this were implimented, would there be fantasy animals (dragons, were-animals, and so on) or would it be 'realistic'? Both?
Perhaps make it optional?
I think it would be kinda neat to be able to go hunting, maybe kill a few bears or dragons or something, drag it back to a town and trade it in for some dried meat, which I can go and sell elsewhere.
Maybe get some quests to go and kill dangerous animals harrassing towns and such.
If this were implimented, would there be fantasy animals (dragons, were-animals, and so on) or would it be 'realistic'? Both?
Perhaps make it optional?