To me, the massive battles is my absolute favourite thing in mount and blade, and frankly i'd much rather have 1.000 soldiers lag free (with slightly better ai) than a gfx upgrade, normally I can play with about 300 soldiers on the field without lag (I haven't measured fps but it runs smoothly with no chopping, and i'm not really an fps whore).
How many are you guys able to get on the field?
Do you have any tricks you'd like to share on methods of getting more soldiers and less lag?
And what bits of your computer have more to say when you try increasing your limit? (if this is painfully obvious, forgive me, I am rather a tech-nub).
Personally, i've noticed that if I set a fully mounted army vs a khergit army, I can get about 400-450 soldiers on the field with hardly any lag at all, given how the soldiers will naturally spread evenly across the field, creating a very cool but frustrating as time passes battlefield *mutters and curses about chasing down those godamn horse archers*
How many are you guys able to get on the field?
Do you have any tricks you'd like to share on methods of getting more soldiers and less lag?
And what bits of your computer have more to say when you try increasing your limit? (if this is painfully obvious, forgive me, I am rather a tech-nub).
Personally, i've noticed that if I set a fully mounted army vs a khergit army, I can get about 400-450 soldiers on the field with hardly any lag at all, given how the soldiers will naturally spread evenly across the field, creating a very cool but frustrating as time passes battlefield *mutters and curses about chasing down those godamn horse archers*