Battles: Different Types

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Inspired by many different posts by many different members, especially Syrion's Terrain and Tactics post. We already have elements of these ideas but I'm talking about more variety.

Submitted for your approval:

Have different battle types as determined by terrain, command ability, quests and units involved.


1) TERRAIN Have the world map affect the battlefield. If you're attacked on the plains near Kulda the battle would be fought on more level terrain with scattered low rises, waisthigh grass, groups of trees for variety. If you attack in the forests near Cugra, then a heavy forest - with clearings here and there - would reduce cavalry charges and lines of sight. Desert crossings could be on sandy terrain, here steppe ponies might be faster, heavier troop types slower.

2) UNIT TYPE Attacking a caravan could be exactly like attacking a linear column of riders, pack horses, carts. Likewise defending a caravan would start one out defending same.

3) AMBUSH If one could be ambushed on the world map, then one would be started on the battlefield with one's troops in some sort of disadvantaged formation or the ambushers with some sort of time-sensitive advantage; like 20 seconds of higher reflexes or accuracy or in cover (say high grass).

4) SINGLE COMBAT Some battles (like some quests) could be resolved by having your hero fight some local champion (and he'd better be a champion or it'd just be like a battle with one enemy)

5) PROTECTION OR ESCORT DUTIES We have caravan quests true, but generally the battle is fought far from the caravan. Some quest could require any battle to be fought with the clients on the battlefield: the princess must survive, no more than 5 settlers killed, or conversely an attacker must capture the princess or settlers.

I like a suggestion of Syrion's that involves a pre-battle advantage that a superior commander or prepared defender might get starting troops at on a hill or hidden or in formation.

Since there are so many battles and after awhile they are so similar, maybe something in this post (inspired by other forum members) might be useful. Respectfully...
good suggestions.

I hope that battlemaps are linked to the worldmap in a future version. It would be nice. Heavy trees when the worldmap is forested, etc.

Ambushes, yup, I really think they would be great.

Single Combat or Duels, yup, would be great. I especially like the idea of each faction having a list of heroes and having them turn up randomly when you are fighting that factions units (not have them visible on the battlemap, so you never know). Maybe when there is such a hero present the option to fight a duel instead would show up in the opening dialogue.

Battlefield protection missions, yup. These are an old staple of free form games so id like to see them here too. You need to protect something while the battle is raging (princess, feeble lord, caravan, gold shipment). Increase the need for tactics other than rushing and swinging. Would really go nicely with increased command options for your squaddies.
I like the ideas. But i'd just like to expand on the personal combat suggestion. How about if instead of these leaders showing up randomly, all major armies (war parties, dark riders, and maybe some of the other raiders/steppe bandits) are lead by a Hero unit. That hero unit has its own set of stats much like yours, and is visible from the main map. Also, instead of just being a powerful unit like yourself, hero units (including yourself) give certain bonuses to your army. Maybe just increase the AI level of your army and movement speed in battle a bit and such, dependent on your skills. So you've got a 6 in riding? then your mounted units get a decent bonus to speed and maneuverability. Therefore, if you or the enemy hero is killed, the army loses such bonuses. However, even if you are knocked out, the battle should still continue to play out until the end of the round without your bonuses...instead of just auto-battling. This idea is compeletely realistic. Watching your commander charge the enemy line, chopping down half a dozen footmen in his first pass would certainly boost morale and inspire your men to fight better. Likewise, if your general falls in battle, this would have the opposite effect. In addition to this, like in "romance of the three kingdoms", it would be cool of at the very beginning of each battle you could suggest a personal duel. If you win, the enemy must fight the battle without aid of their general and bonuses. Vice versa if you are defeated. What do you all think?
yeah that would be cool if one side's champion could duel the other before the battle with all the soldiers watching. It could decide the outcome or maybe the nuber of troops that stay to fight would be reduced.
JohnathanStrange said:
3) AMBUSH If one could be ambushed on the world map, then one would be started on the battlefield with one's troops in some sort of disadvantaged formation or the ambushers with some sort of time-sensitive advantage; like 20 seconds of higher reflexes or accuracy or in cover (say high grass).

Personally, I think you shouldn't know when you're ambushed. That is to say, you should start reasonably normally, but there should be enemies that spawn from advantageous positions (such as a main group spawning in front of you, while a rear groups spawns behind and massacres you after you've ridden a charge into the first group).
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