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This came to me in a battle, where there was at least 30 bodies on the ground (most from a caravan i was "guarding" :twisted: )

I dont know how to post pics on the net, but I know everyone else does.

Basically post the biggest battle u have ever fought with dead bodies everywhere.
To post a pic: Take a screenshot (print screen + paste into mspaint or use a program called fraps) and host it on the net (imageshack) and post it here.
Such a shame the ground is not stained with blood! If it was, the battlefields would look much cooler! Also, there should be an option of staying on the battlefiels to play around with the fallen enemies and to take screenshots...
Oooh. That gave me an idea. What if we looted directly from battlefield?
So if you dont search, you dont get anything. Some skills would even help to notice equipment. Has anyone suggested that? Maybe I should suggest it when i got time.
Nah! too much work. Besides, how would you explain to your fellow knights why you were absent for the fight without having to share the loot :cool:
Bah, i just had almost 100 dead peasants in a heap, then i got the "too many bodies error and crashed to desktop before i managed to take a screenie.
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