Battle winning cheer

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Sergeant Knight
This is not important but i would not mind seeing my men have a cheering animation or whatever when you win a battle against the odds, instead of them just standing there randomly. maybe for the games final version lol.
Agreed, doesn't even have to be against the odds, I would also like if the enemy did this aswell, imagine being overrun by overwhelming forces, loosing your entire army and getting killed as the last one, and then watch as the enemy cheers around your cold dead body. :shock: :???: :mad: :oops: :cry: :sad: :eek: :smile: :grin: :cool:
just more noise in general wouldn't go astray.

People randomly yelling or yelling when the get a charge order or grunting when they deliver a hit or block succesfully. Just with few shouts and yells from each person and the battles would actually sound like a battle.
Add an animation where folks lift their weapons in the air, those on horses would rear their mounts while rising thier weapons... that would look cool.

Even simpler, maybe go to a splash screen with a victorious scene on it, and in the foreground all of the stats from the battle, like total numbers of each troop wounded/killed (basically a combination of all of the round summaries).
It could be implanted very easily I think... But then theres a need for A LOT of more sounds so not everybodys shoutning "HURRAY" or "YEAAAAAAAAAH" at the same time.
Good idea, would make the end of a battle much more satisfying :smile:

Also if you sustained a lot of casualties it would be cool if your men go around to the wounded men on the battlefield helping them out, and there is no cheering. If only Armagan had a team of animators :wink:
I personally want some sort of horn when I issue the order for my men to "charge". Especially playing "The Last Days" mod as a rider of Rohan (using Javelins to relive the moment the Riders wipe out the Uruk's just outside the forest of Fanghorn).... would definitely add to the atmosphere to have some sort of horn-call as all my fellow Riders of Rohan storm in!
dirtbag said:
It could be implanted very easily I think... But then theres a need for A LOT of more sounds so not everybodys shoutning "HURRAY" or "YEAAAAAAAAAH" at the same time.

No one should shout "yeah!", "Yeehaw!", "woohoo!" or anything like that. They should give a resounding "Huzza!", "Hurrah!", or even "hooray!" Possibly "Arrrr!" if you have a mod that allows you to recruit river pirates, or "Banzai!" if you have a samurai mod.

If you wanted a soundfile to base this off of, the Viking victory music from the Medieval Total War expansion would work quite well.

And battlesounds need to be added. First command vocals, i think, then general background.
I agree about the victory warcry it should be easy to implement.. about the animations though it would be very nicebut would be too much work for such a tiny feature.. I mean face it, lads, the game doesn't really NEED them...
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