Battle weariness in multistage battles

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I was in 400vs400 battle, we won every stage. My current morale is 99, but it will not stay this high for long, because it seems that -8 penalty to battle weariness was triggered multiple times.

Me not like...  :???:
True, but that's a lot more realistic.  A small skirmish that you win would yield a little morale boost for the victory and only a slight drop due to fatigue.  A battle that spans numerous skirmishes would net you a lot of immediate morale gains from victories, but take a heavy toll on your group due to fatigue.  The battle weariness effect improves a lot faster than the boosts from winning is reduced.  Where weariness will kick your party's morale in the teeth is if you continue to fight battle after battle in a very short span without rest.
It was not so bad. I was scarred with projected number of my future 25 morale. But in the end, it did not get lower than 75 or so.
Robik said:
It was not so bad. I was scarred with projected number of my future 25 morale. But in the end, it did not get lower than 75 or so.
That's how I intended it.  You can take quick dips due to a heated skirmish without too much penalty unless you were already dangerously low in morale, but continuous battle will lead to problems.  Glad to hear it worked out okay.
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