Battle summary

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Thales said:
I agree, that is why I only suggested having the following separate counts for kills:
Your two heroes
All your troops together.
And your cumulative losses.

I agree that there is no point in having the single kills summarised.

There is a point, but you don't need to know what they killed just how many and for each untit type, ex. Swadian knights:Killed two you lost one, swadian sharpshooter:killed 3 you lost 1

This would help the player figure out which units are usefull and which units are bunk.
I whole heartedly like a previiously mentioned idea where you can press a button at the end of battleif you wanted to see it. This would allow players who dont care to just skip the whole thing without going through an additional screen; also there should be things in the option menu that allow you to set how detailed the list is.
Some just want to see
My kills:
Others may want to see
My kills:
My tk's
My ko's
borcha kills:
borcha tk's
borcha ko's
the allowance of a range of detail will let the individual gamer customize exactly what he wants to see and not some crazy stuff he doesn't understand or care for.
that is all

In v.751 when you sent ur minions/henchmen into battle while peacefully smoking a cigar 20 miles away, you did get a screen saying the mission was a failure. but now in v.808 its dodgy. it does show something but its not comprehensible to the normal person. So it has existed but only then and not for all battles.
On one hand -
You wouldn't know who killed who and how many - in a real melee, you might remember a couple of kills because of some strange detail - eg, the naked berserker with dread-locked armpit hair - but most of the time you'd be spearing, hacking, etc rather than checking to see if the last blow had in fact killed anyone.  Sure, you would sort of 'know' on an instinctive level, but not to the extent that at the end of the day everybody could sit down and discuss their kills. 
Your troops would be in the same boat, especially archers.  When twenty bowmen shoot at fifty cavalry, they don't watch their arrows to see who kills and hits what.  They string and loose the second, third, fourth (etc) arrow as fast as possible.

On the other -
It would be useful to know exactly who died.  It would be realistic if you could go to an NPC, and instruct them: >Hey, Marnid, find out how many men we lost, and how badly wounded the survivors are<

Then, Marnid can trot out a detail of who died, and who is unconscious.

It's also realistic.  A commander can't keep track of the losses in a company of 60 or 80 troops - knowing that one haas lost a lot of men is not the same as knowing exactly how many dead or wounded there are.  That would have to wait until after the battle.

An additional improvement would be to replace the in-game messages with periodical updates from your senior troops or NPCs, a la:

>Sir!  We are winning!  There are only a score of the bastards left alive!<

>Sir! We have to pull back!  There are barely a dozen of us left alive!<
I think this would be a good feature if it was printed right to the screen at the end of the battle, before the message to "Press tab to exit the battle".  That way, it wouldn't be overly obtrusive, but those who wanted it would still get that information.  All it would take is a couple counters, one for your kills, one for your KOs, two for each of your NPCs, and then it would be taken for granted that your army got the rest.  You'd maybe put in a couple checkboxes to turn it off on the options page.  I think that would be very feasible, and probably wouldn't take more than an hour or two to implement.
The problem comes when you're playing with lots and lots of Allied Heroes.  There are mods with 7+ heroes, and displaying a score for each additional hero that you take on will soon lead to a tremendously cluttered screen.  I'm thinking the scores are displayed during the 'take slaves' phase of a victorious combat, you could just select your own units from the list and see their stats in the center box.  As for a failed combat... I have no suggestions at this time.
For a failed combat you would have two cases:
first, when you are forced to flee, you could have one of your NPCs / highest level troop start the 'losses/survivors' dialogue, which would run along the lines of
"Sir!  We have lost half the Army!  I don't know if the bastards have killed them or taken them prisoner, but I saw at least 15 of our guys being rounded up at the end!"

second, if you are captured, it would be like the town_prisoner scripts, where an enemy troop comes and gloats over you, like
"Ha!  Another foolish hero{ine} adventureer!  Well, you messed with the big boys!  All your puny band are dead, except for yourself and four cowardly fools who begged for their lives....  Oh yes, we do take prisoners you know - and we sell them to the slavers!"
Maybe when you are on the taking prisoners screen, beside the names of the members of your party you could have numbers in brackets that indicate how many kills they got like:
Fragivme (22)
Marnid (3)
Borcha (13)
Vaegir Marksman (2)
Vaegir Marksman (2)
Vaegir Marksman (0)
And so on
by golly, i wanna know how many people "I" killed in a battle, it's in the Quick Battles, it should be in regular battles.
maybe set a variable , 0 for none, 1 for report total you killed, 2 detailed list of who you killed.

just because YOU don't like an idea, isn't a reason to trash it completely, make ALL things an OPTION, so if YOU don't like it.. TURN IT OFF...

there have been MANY battles where i know i've killed at LEAST 50.. but there's no telling just how many...

I just had to do this.
But let this thread die.
Agree, with OP.  Statistics, especially for the companions (Heroes) are very useful in terms of kills/mode (Klethi 2 Kills (bow), 1 Kill (axe), 2 Wounded (bow).  It is good to know who is getting the kills, and who is getting knocked out a lot and changing their gear/skills to try to optimize.  Doing it manual is okay, but I have to focus on the text during battle or actually watch them to see if their kit is working.
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