Battle Replays

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Hey folks, I noticed that this hasn't been discussed in over a year.

I think that this game REALLY needs battle replays.  Some amazing machinima could be made.  Using CTRL+E just doesn't do the job.

The Total War series offers the possibility to save a replay of any battle, and Mount & Blade deserves this feature far more than those increasingly bland atrocities.
I totally agree. Especially when Multiplayer comes out, I want the ability to make montages etc.
duckmoose said:
Hey folks, I noticed that this hasn't been discussed in over a year.

I think that this game REALLY needs battle replays.  Some amazing machinima could be made.  Using CTRL+E just doesn't do the job.

The Total War series offers the possibility to save a replay of any battle, and Mount & Blade deserves this feature far more than those increasingly bland atrocities.

Agree. However, it is not possible to save replay of capaign battles in Total War series.
atrocities :mad:, are you mad, but yeah, replays would be fun, something similar to the pes replay system would work nice with mount and blade
Yes this would be a NICE feature.

But it already has its own thread in the right board.,1399.0.html

Armagan has already stated his interest in the feature so it's a definite possibility.
The battle replay of rome total war is completly messed up. i once watched a battle i just fought and all my soldiers where doing something completly diffrent then i had orderd them to do. it didn't had any logic anymore.

Hopefully the battlereplay If its implanted on mount&blade will be good enough for a nice machinima.
Mabons said:
I totally agree. Especially when Multiplayer comes out, I want the ability to make montages etc.
Well, they could set a "spectator" player type, like in many FPS (First Person Shooter), with free camera. That and Ventrilo= M&B, the movie  :lol:
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