Battle Party selection

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Before you enter into a battle, I think you should be able to select from your main war party, the specific units you want to join you in battle. If you have 40 knights, and 20 archers, listed in that order in your party, then only a portion of the knights will come with you into battle (if I understand it correctly). But with a battle selection, you could specifically place, say, 10 knights, and 5 archers.

Additionally, you should be able to select whether or not you wanr any of the remaining portions of your war party to join the fray as reinforcements. Maybe you've got some peasants you're still training up on river pirates, so you don't want them to join you in battle against some dark hunters. *shrug*

That's just my suggestion.

I believe it's in here under Advanced Troop Tactics, or if not noe of those then in the other sticky of links.
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