Battle Builder

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Sergeant at Arms
Probably not the best name for it, but alas...

While this game is generally a RPG (and I like it that way!), the most fun for a lot of us are the actual battles.
Now what I imagine is an option for the more action oriented of us to have a way to get some fast action independent of the RPG.

It would basically be another option on the main menu of the game, one being the 'Campaign' (=RPG) and another the 'Battle Builder', we all know it from other games, e.g. dogfights in flightsims, mission editors, a.s.o. As I imagine it right now it would 'just' (yes, I know what this little word can mean in the IT business) be an additional GUI with some setup screens.

In a basic form you would just define type and size of the two parties, maybe terrain (Arena, plain, hilly, cliffs, river, ...), night or day, rain, ...

More advanced, you have an option to define your character (e.g. pick it from a campaign but w/o influencing the actual campaign game, or have just some random configurable character) up to configure all combatants, with respect to stats and outfits.

Oh yeah, obviously it would be nice to be able to save those created battles. :wink:

You know, create battles like you as a neutral peasant with a club and some stones vs. the Mag7 in full gear... :twisted:
This is basically the same as the skirmish suggestions there have been, but I still love the idea.
See that's the reason why I said it's probably not the best name for it. If I had thought of 'Skirmish' I would have found some presious suggestions. Probably something for the 'Frequently...' sticky above :wink:

Some I found right away with the right search term:
1 2 3
An old idea brought back to life, the skirmish mode seems to be a relatively practical suggestion in that it doesn't appear to be a massive job or a vague suggestion.

It has the virtue also of focusing on M&B's core strength: its combat engine and it's something a lot of people would use. At least I think they would. Who knows? I'm out-of-step with this forum for sure. :smile:
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