Resolved Battanian Oathsworns Spawn with a tier 3 helmet 50% of the time

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Yes, but I removed mods.
Summary: Half of Battanian Oathsworn Spawn with a Roughscale Helmet instead of a Ridged Helmet which is far inferior. Roughscale has 26 armor, Ridged Helmet has 46. This makes Oathsworns sometimes die way too easily
How to Reproduce: Custom Battles/ Campaign
Have you used cheats and if so which: No
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Computer Specs:
OS: Win 10
GPU: Intel I9
GPU Driver Version: 527.37
CPU: Geforce 3070
RAM: 32gb
Motherboard: No Clue
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): samsung 970 EVO plus SSD
From tbe looks of it in game. They do have 2 sets. Many troops have a couple different sets of gear they can go into battle with. So it looks intended.
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