Basic Dialogue Question for Warband

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Fixed later down the page, hope it helps someone in search:

The dialogue tutorial doesn't build correctly for warband, can anyone tell me what I am missing?

Using this NPC (Who shows up fine in game)

["geoffrey","geoffrey","geoffrey", tf_hero, scn_town_6_tavern|entry(6),reserved, fac_commoners,[itm_linen_tunic,itm_hide_boots,itm_club],def_attrib|level(6),wp(60),knows_trade_3|knows_inventory_management_2|knows_riding_2,0x00000000000c600301c2510211a5b292],

Then trying this dialogue, or any dialogue for that matter, on any custom NPC I add, throws up loads of warnings about global variables (with the the dialogue referenced in the error text), and other errors. Basically it is missing something vital, can anyone fill me in please, is there another step in creating custom warbands dialogue?

  [trp_geoffrey,"start", [], "What? What do you want? Leave me be, {sir/wench}, I have no time for beggars.", "geoffrey_talk",[]],
  [trp_geoffrey|plyr,"geoffrey_talk", [], "Nothing, never you mind.", "close_window",[]],

I have tried adding the dialogue to various points in the file, and moving the NPC about in the file but the error remains. However the code, and any dialogue I have tried builds fine when the custom NPC isn't the one using it, when it is an already existing NPC or 'anyone' ID.

NB I have edited the ID's capital to lowercase, to see if that was causing the error, but other than this matches the tutorial code exactly bar the location of the NPC.

Thanks for any help.
Okay i've fixed this, not sure how exactly, perhaps I found the correct place to put new NPC's or dialogue. Also I edited the ID troops file manually which was immediately overwritten of course, that might of been the sticking point, file attributes possibly; wish I could say for sure, as the syntax hasn't changed.

Further to anyone new, the ID file puts things in lowercase, I am not sure if this matters, but that is how it stores the strings even if they start in uppercase.
 [trp_geoffrey,"start", [], "@What? What do you want? Leave me be, {sir/wench}, I have no time for beggars.", "geoffrey_talk",[]],
  [trp_geoffrey|plyr,"geoffrey_talk", [], "@Nothing, never you mind.", "close_window",[]],
Looks like you were missing the "turn this into a string" symbol, i.e, "@".  Gotta use that with new strings, don't alter ID_Strings, etc. it isn't necessary.
Okay back to the same problem again, my first NPC is working fine, with a long string of dialogue, quest triggers, the works.

My second NPC won't say the dialogue I give him, no matter what it is. The first NPC will however if I use his ID instead, so once again the game just isn't registering my new NPC ID's at first. The NPC shows up in the tavern but speaks dialogue as if he is in my party (generic hero dialogue I guess).

Here is my NPC:

["magranveld","Magran Veld","Magran Veld", tf_hero, scn_town_6_tavern|entry(7),reserved, fac_commoners,

The @ character is oddly displayed in the game if I use it in dialogue, so I have ruled that out as a possibility for now, though I have tried including it.


  [trp_magranveld,"start", [], "I don't know you, I don't want to know you, and you really don't want to know me.", "magranveld_talk",[]],
  [trp_magranveld|plyr,"magranveld_talk", [], "How right you are.", "close_window",[]],
  [trp_magranveld|plyr,"magranveld_talk", [], "Be careful who you speak to like that.", "close_window",[]],
  [trp_magranveld|plyr,"magranveld_talk", [], "Please excuse me Sir", "close_window",[]],


It is really basic code, and I've tried it standalone, commenting out all other edits.
I'll try fiddling with the ID files again, as that fixed it last time oddly.

---edit 1

Fixed all this with a realisation, but in doing so I have found a big new problem for quest mods:

In warband, heroes default dialogue in taverns overwrites my own. In the city, this dialogue works fine, in the tavern it gets overwritten.

I will now try and find a work around, perhaps repositioning the dialogue in the file will do it.


Finally fixed :grin:

The dialogue needs to be above the various 'anyone' ID's for taverns, i've stuck it right at the top of the dialogue file, which probably isn't ideal, but I'll search for the sweet spot later.

Hope this helps someone new one day, and it has given me a valuable understanding that anyone dialogue ID's overwrite troop ID's if they are set before in the dialogue file.
Annynduir said:
I'll add it to the modopedia

Sounds good, it may need more testing to be universally true, but I certainly think for modded dialogue higher is better in the file order. New NPC's lower is better, as it makes the mod more savegame compatible from my understanding, which is what i was going for here, but I am not sure how dialogue effects savegame compatibility, that will need more testing.

PS I am really grateful for your work maintaining that resource :grin:.
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