OSP Shaders Barabas' shaders

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Master Knight

I heavily edited the shaders for warband and I would like to share :smile:
Beware, this is only for modders, not adviseable to apply to any existing mod without tweaking it!
If you don't know what this is, it;'s probably not for you.

Most important new features:
-Colored specular maps
-Parallax shaders
-Better looking envmap shaders for swords (and other metals)

It might be that the speculars are a bit bright (like 10 times or so...). Easiest way to fix this is change the "SpecularCoef" in the module_postfx.py

Use at your own risk and enjoy! :mrgreen:

For more info and discussion see this thread

Moderator: New download link by Swyter

Gamefront download
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I updated them with some minor fixes. It's what I use at the moment so it should work. If there are any problems/issues you're free to post here and I'll take a look at it when I have the time =)
Wow, parallax is much easier than I thought at first. Thanks for clearing it up.

Oh. What's with the FXO renamed as FX in the distribution pack? :smile:

Barabas, mate. I'm trying to implement derivative maps in SWC. Can you help me with that?
It just doesn't makes sense to me.

It's so you warband can read it from the module directory. It doesn't understand it if there are fxo's. Unless I have been misinformed ^^

Edit: lol, I only now see that you are asking about derivative maps. I'll take a look at what it is. =)

Edit2: Looks very interesting. I'll try it out after dinner. I don't quite get it completely yet, but it doesn't look too complicated.
Unfortunately my gpu died last weekend, so now everything looks like **** and I have to run Warband at 800x600 to get playable fps. Here I upped my shader settings and a bit my texture quality too. And I have blender in the background, so my fps is ****. Apart from that I'm pretty sure it could be a lot better =D. Anyway the first implementation attempt looks like this:
PS_OUTPUT ps_main_g(VS_OUTPUT_G In, uniform const int PcfMode)
	PS_OUTPUT Output;

	// float2 height_grad = 2*tex2D(NormalTextureSampler, In.Tex0).rg-1;
	float height = tex2D(NormalTextureSampler, In.Tex0).b;
	float3 position_dx  = ddx(In.Position);
	float3 position_dy  = ddy(In.Position);
	float  dBs     		= ddx(height);
	float  dBt 			= ddy(height);
	// float2 uv_dx 		= ddx(In.Tex0);
	// float2 uv_dy	 	= ddy(In.Tex0);

	// float  dBs   		= height_grad.x*uv_dx.x+ height_grad.x*uv_dx.y;
	// float  dBt 			= height_grad.y*uv_dy.x + height_grad.y*uv_dy.y;

	float3 surface_gradient
					    = dBs*cross(In.Normal, position_dy) +dBt*cross(In.Normal, position_dx);
	surface_gradient   /= abs(In.Normal * dot(position_dx, position_dy));
	float3 normal       = normalize(In.Normal - surface_gradient);

	float shade         = saturate(dot(vSunDir, -normal));

	if ((PcfMode != PCF_NONE))
		shade          *= GetSunAmount(PcfMode, In.ShadowTexCoord);

	float3 color        = In.Color + shade*In.SunLight;

	float4 diff_tex     = tex2D(MeshTextureSampler, In.Tex0);

	Output.RGBColor.rgb = color*diff_tex;
	Output.RGBColor.a   = diff_tex.a*In.Color.a;
	// gamma correct

	return Output;

technique diffuse_gradient
	pass P0
		VertexShader =  compile VS_X vs_main_g(PCF_NONE);
		PixelShader = compile PS_2_X ps_main_g(PCF_NONE);
technique diffuse_gradient_SHDW
	pass P0
		VertexShader =  compile VS_X vs_main_g(PCF_DEFAULT);
		PixelShader = compile PS_2_X ps_main_g(PCF_DEFAULT);
technique diffuse_gradient_SHDWNVIDA
	pass P0
		VertexShader =  compile VS_X vs_main_g(PCF_NVIDIA);
		PixelShader = compile PS_2_X ps_main_g(PCF_NVIDIA);

DEFINE_LIGHTING_TECHNIQUE(diffuse_gradient, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

I updated the code with my latest version. The commented stuff is for the derivative maps.
The main problem is blockiness. And I'm not sure it works correctly actually. I also didn't get it to work with the derivative maps (which is actually the same as normalmaps with 2 components, just with the tangent space replaced by all this ddx stuff in the pixelshader.). I'm giving up for now. If anyone else manages to get better results let us know =)
LordMalacath said:
Link is dead.
Can somebody upload it elsewhere as a mirror?

I'm also blocked from Gamefront (Spain is on the disallowed list). Used a quick proxy for getting it anyway:
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