[Bannerlord] "Steam Awards 2022" Nomination per BL come "Most Innovative Gameplay"

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...Come da titolo M&BII Bannerlord , grazie ai voti degli utenti di Steam, è giunto alla fase finale per la premiazione come "Most Innovative Gameplay" agli STEAM AWARDS 2022...

...qui il messaggio ufficiale:...

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord has been nominated for the Most Innovative Gameplay Steam Award of 2022 thanks to all of your votes so far!

Alongside the games Teardown, Stray, Neon White and Dome Keeper we're now in the final stage of the voting process for this category. You can view all of the nominees and cast your vote until January 3rd at 9 AM Pacific time here:

We wish you a wonderful Christmas and a happy holiday season!

Source: https://forums.taleworlds.com/index...2022-most-innovative-gameplay-nominee.456340/

N.B.:...si può votare fino al 3 di Gennaio...

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