Commercializing the WB game engine may be the key to solving the problem. Although WB has many mods, it still requires professional and well funded game studios to produce more exquisite games, and players are willing to spend some money on it. The WB game engine already has some licensed commercial games, but they are still too few, and TW has not given the studio enough permission to modify the games. If there are a large number of independent games developed based on the WB game engine, the needs of many players can be met, and players do not need to beg TW to make what they want. One game cannot satisfy all players.All I know is this game helped me make the decision to never buy a game before its actually complete. I will never support another small company again. Too many times have I purchased a game that never gets finished and Taleworlds going the route of Steam burned this game to the ground. Trying to become mainstream and totally forgetting what this series was all about.
This is supposed to be a sandbox game that relies on mods.
The OP, is totally off on what the actual community wanted. We never wanted more "content". Or more "Dialog". We wanted Warband with better graphics and for Taleworlds to unlock the code and modding tools and just get out of the damn way. This series has ALWAYS been about the mods and with the chains taken off modders wrists, the game would flourish like the previous one did.
The only thing an update ever does is break mods and add in more gameplay code to break them even more and since modders can make better content, faster, updates become a detriment and not an aide to the game especially with things like adding an apple to the game and somehow changing the maps vector height or some unrelated thing to boggle the minds of mod makers and undoing a years worth of work.
What we wanted, and what we ended up with are not the same and the influx of new players that never knew what they were buying into making demands only screwed the game over even more. There is nothing like seeing a bunch of people used to playing very different games come in and demand this one be like those and watching this niche game that was the king of its genre try to become everything, for everyone, leaving Warband still on the throne.
If the commercialization of WB game engine goes smoothly, it is also possible to consider commercializing Bl engine. This is a happy thing for both players and developers who like M&B, and TW will also have long-term development.