BananaBob said:
mount and blade isnt a turnbased game, why not let the players who are not involved in a battle do what they want (run around the campaign map, do quests, state there own battles)
That could very well work out.
In my own two cents, there's a whole list of things I could see possible with Bannerlord coop. There's a few below.
- Individual quests (One player has a quest, while another has their own, etc.)
- Conflicting quests (One person fighting for a rebellion, where the other player has to stop the rebellion)
- When one player is in a battle, another player can approach the battle and attempt to join. This brings up a menu for the first player, saying "Reinforcements have arrived" or "Another player joined the battle on the side of "..." or something.
- Diplomacy between two players who rule kingdoms can be interesting.
Only cons I could see to this coop thing is...
- There would have to be two parties, and they can't share line of sight.
- Connection issues
- Fief grants if two players are in the same faction (There's only one fief that is given to a player in Warband, currently, and if another player were to join a faction, then it could complicate things.)
But if there is Bannerlord Co-op, then I'll be right there begging for them to take my money