Bannerlord Complaint Predictions

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Tungdil Goldhand said:
nachal said:
what the hell is wrong with you guys

the game not even been released yet, and you are already complaining?  :evil:
Snazzelicious said:
Bannerlord hasn't even come out yet and you start complaining? Jeez
People not reading threads.

Explain, how are we supposed to know what the complaints will be about? Kind of a pointless thread if you ask me.
Snazzelicious said:
Tungdil Goldhand said:
nachal said:
what the hell is wrong with you guys

the game not even been released yet, and you are already complaining?  :evil:
Snazzelicious said:
Bannerlord hasn't even come out yet and you start complaining? Jeez
People not reading threads.

Explain, how are we supposed to know what the complaints will be about? Kind of a pointless thread if you ask me.

It's okay, you registered a month ago. I'm sure you don't even know what warband is about
Shemaforash said:
Snazzelicious said:
Tungdil Goldhand said:
nachal said:
what the hell is wrong with you guys

the game not even been released yet, and you are already complaining?  :evil:
Snazzelicious said:
Bannerlord hasn't even come out yet and you start complaining? Jeez
People not reading threads.

Explain, how are we supposed to know what the complaints will be about? Kind of a pointless thread if you ask me.

It's okay, you registered a month ago. I'm sure you don't even know what warband is about

Just because I recently registered on the forums doesn't mean it's the same for the game?
Snazzelicious said:
Explain, how are we supposed to know what the complaints will be about? Kind of a pointless thread if you ask me.

It's a great thread, i'm fairly sure we all know exactly what people are going to complain about regardless of how Bannerlord turns out. That's the point of this thread. Eg. No amount of realism will ever be realistic enough for some people, but other people will say it's too realistic at the cost of gameplay.

Most of these posts are spot-on, wait a year or two and check this forum for threads with those exact titles.
Snazzelicious said:
Tungdil Goldhand said:
nachal said:
what the hell is wrong with you guys

the game not even been released yet, and you are already complaining?  :evil:
Snazzelicious said:
Bannerlord hasn't even come out yet and you start complaining? Jeez
People not reading threads.

Explain, how are we supposed to know what the complaints will be about? Kind of a pointless thread if you ask me.
Lily-Livered River Pirate said:
[you earn ONE GENUINE POINT every time your complaint is made on the forum or in game once it is released, one complaint prediction per participant]

It's a guessing game about all the complaints that are going to be made in Bannerlord. It's easy to guess what people are going to complain about if you've played warband for some amount of time. Want examples? Read Gazik's previous posts.
Hmm, my predictions are

Too Laggy

Game play sucks

Combat is too slow, so weak


Crashing 24/7

Frame rate is so choppy

Graphics are bad

Sounds are annoying

Music is bad, not working

Multiplayer problems, hacking, lost connection, banned

SERIAL KEY isn't working

Game won't start

Where's the cheats?

"battle/siege AI sucks"

"ambushes are bugged"

"facial expressions are glitched. a lot of them look like Grumpy Cat"

"belligerent drunk is OP"
"Needs more Sn1pR clans."

"IGN rated it below CoD so now I'm going to spam the comment section without having ever played the game saying that CoD is better."

"Can't even 420."

"Installing mods is too hard."
>omg guys there are
>Swing speed hax.
>Aimbot hax.
>Autoblock hax
>Tries to find them online
>!this will make me strong
>finds autochamber
>goes on POM/IG, perma banned
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