Bannerlord Clan list

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Clan name: Vineyard Workers
Clan tag: [VW]
Clan region: INT
Clan's TW thread or TW group link: Group
Contact's info (links to TW & Steam profiles): Spooky
Clan name: Men of Borr
Clan tag: MoB
Clan region: International
Clan's TW thread or TW group link:
Contact's info (links to TW & Steam profiles):

In this List we have 118 clans in total:
30 INT clans | 54 EU clans | 33 NA clans | no SA clans | 1 OCE clan | no AS clans | no AFR clans
Clan name: La Légion du Cerbère
Clan tag: [CRBR]
Clan region: EU
Clan's TW thread or TW group link:égion-recrutement-open.432922/
Contact's info (links to TW & Steam profiles): &

Thank you very much for setting up this thread
Added, welcome aboard to BL MP community :smile:

In this List we have 126 clans in total:
32 INT clans | 59 EU clans | 33 NA clans | no SA clans | 1 OCE clan | 1 AS clan | no AFR clans
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